Karin Sowieja on OdysseyKarin Sowieja
Karin Sowieja

Karin Sowieja

Username: karinvsowieja

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I have always had a desire to share my opinions and experiences with the world. I believe that through communication, you eradicate barriers and ignorance. I love being able to challenge new boarders and I am a strong proponent of free thinking and expression of one's self. I am trilingual and have traveled to many different countries abroad and have experienced many different things through my travels. I was a competitive, elite swimmer for 11 years of my life (now a swammer and a NARP). Currently, I am studying Communications and German along with being on the Pre-Law track at UGA. I believe in living life to the fullest and embracing every opportunity which comes your way! Because in hindsight, everything is a learning experience, it just depends on how you choose to see it.

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