Kailey Hogan on OdysseyKailey Hogan
Kailey Hogan

Kailey Hogan

Username: kaileyhogan

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hello, I'm Kailey! I have a passion for adventure and learning. I live my life with the belief that everyday should be filled with love and laughter. I am going to be honest, I am an avid blog reader, I am constantly subscribing to new blogs and sending them to friends. Ever since my blog obsession started, I have had friends tell me that I should write my own. So, when I saw an open platform at the odyssey I knew I had to go for it. My hope is to write blogs that will allow college students to laugh, cry, feel inspired, or just have something they can relate to. College students live very chaotic lives and I feel like I can give them an escape from that or just a way to laugh through it.

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