Jake Nichols on OdysseyJake Nichols
Jake Nichols

Jake Nichols

Username: johnnichols

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I love writing. I've always loved it, and I believe I have enough of a talent for it that people at least don't choke on their own laughter after reading my work. I'd like to work in sports journalism, but I've always had a thing for creative and descriptive pieces. I love putting just the right words together to make a sentence my own work of art, and although I'd like to one day work for Sports Illustrated or ESPN, the main goal I have is to know that what I have to say actually means something and makes something of an impact on other people. I love reading articles on here written by people my age, and it's really inspiring and motivating to see so many people taking an initiative and show how we as college students are so much alike even though we may come from different backgrounds or places.

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