Joined in August 2017
Imagine a strong, handsome, independent collegiate student, his hands calloused with work and a face equally crafted by sheer confidence. Academic genius, authentic enterprise, unadulterated accomplishment - the lethal combination of American ingenuity and veritable gumption - all a reality brimming behind the eyes of a man who knows exactly what he wants from the world, who understands exactly how many lemons he’ll have to squeeze to turn ambition into accomplishment.
Great. You’ve met my father.
Take the above description, saturate all constructive adjectives, replace them with vague descriptions of an ambiguous future in composition, sprinkle it with a general disbelief for the paralyzed world in which we find ourselves, and bake it at 350 degrees for ten minutes, or until the insecurities are thoroughly burned from the edges of its obscurity.
Pleased to meet you.
I couldn’t have less of an idea as to where this life will lead me, and I couldn’t be more excited at the prospect. If the toolbox worries over the applicability of its contents, so suffers the finished product. So long as we contribute to a future not our own, bring the rain.
“All things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.” - Romans 8:28
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