Jennifer Kustanovich on OdysseyJennifer Kustanovich
Jennifer Kustanovich

Jennifer Kustanovich

Username: jennik

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Jennifer Kustanovich attends Stony Brook University's Honors College and majors in Health Science and Business Management. She is known for her loud voice, spontaneous dancing, curiosity as she adventures into novel locations, and conversations about everything and everything. Jennifer is bound by no limitations and continuously defies society. Jenni is a Zumba instructor (be sure to reach out and take a class!), a yogi at heart, and enjoys living a healthy lifestyle--she is a competitive ballroom dancer and continues her dancing career on campus. Moreover, she is remarkably outgoing, revels in parties, and doesn't have a judgemental bone in her never-motionless body.

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