James Stephen Lloyd Poole on OdysseyJames Stephen Lloyd Poole
James Stephen Lloyd Poole

James Stephen Lloyd Poole

Username: jamespoole

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I am a budding historian studying with a World History focus at Wesley College. As such, I have learned a great deal about writing, but I still have a lot to learn. That is one reason that I would be interested in writing for The Odyssey. I want to learn how to write clearer and learn to be more concise with my grammatical choices. I think that having my work published will help me be motivated to find new and creative ways to express ideas, as well as giving me the opportunity to have my work analyzed and peer reviewed by other writers and audience members alike. Also, I believe that this would provide me with a good outlet to share with people the ideas, issues, and opinions that are always on my mind. Not to complain about anything, but present people with things to think about, agree with, or present their own thoughts about. I want to create worth while pieces that will ultimately make people think, and hopefully I can teach people new things through my writing. That would be the ultimate goal, and my purpose for wanting to write for The Odyssey. The lesser, but great goal would be that I learn a few things myself.

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