ABOUT I'm a sophomore at the University of Michigan studying art and design, hoping to pursue a career in graphic design! My Odyssey Link Copy
Student Life5 Things You Understand If Your College Best Friends Are Your People ​ by Halley LubyAt University of Michigan
Health and WellnessFriendly Reminder That Your Mental Health Is More Important Than Your Grades by Halley LubyAt University of Michigan
RelationshipsMy Family Moved Across The Country, But Surprisingly, Life As I Knew It Wasn't Over by Halley LubyAt University of Michigan
Student LifeI’m Not A Morning Person But I Started Waking Up Early And It Feels Surprisingly Good by Halley LubyAt University of Michigan
Entertainment4 things you'll hear if you're a nice person with an Occasionally bitchy face by Halley LubyAt University of Michigan
5 Things You Will only Understand if You're the 'Pale Friend' in the Summertime by Halley LubyAt University of Michigan