Hallie Elizabeth Walker on OdysseyHallie Elizabeth Walker
Hallie Elizabeth Walker

Hallie Elizabeth Walker

Username: halwalk

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Born in Texas. Moved to Oklahoma then back to Texas. Now I am currently a student at Oklahoma State University. (but Texas forever) My mom is my best friend, my dad is my hero, my older brother is awesome and my younger sister is the one who knows everything about me. I have two dogs, Ellie and Minnie, they're the most annoying, adorable dogs you'll ever meet. I am studying to be a nutritionist so I love food with all my heart and soul. If I had to eat only one food for the rest of my life it would be popcorn. I cant go a day without listening to music and my taste ranges from Patsy Cline to Drake. I love any type of documentary and all the Harry Potter movies. This is me so welcome to it homies.

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