Grier Wellborn on OdysseyGrier Wellborn
Grier Wellborn

Grier Wellborn

Username: griermwellborn

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Growing up, my parents believed me to be dyslexic due to my lack of reading proficiency. I was unable to read at the proficient level until the third grade. Yet here I am aspiring to become a journalist. Funny how life works out that way. All my life, my parents pushed me to involve myself in sports. While of course they pushed me to apply myself academically, they realized that athletics were my true passion and there was no doubt in my mind that I would be involved in sports for the rest of my life. While my life revolved around sports, I also found a passion in writing. The obvious career path for me is sports journalism because it is a career choice that combines my two passions. I intend to spend the rest of my life watching sports and sharing my passion with others through reporting.


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