Emily Schabacker on OdysseyEmily Schabacker
Emily Schabacker

Emily Schabacker

Username: eschabacker13gmail-_-com

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Virginia born and Montana raised with a few stops in between, I can't say I call one specific place home. Even though I am forever attached to my childhood memories of Nevada and Idaho, I find myself changing and growing with the beauty and elegance of Montana. The state has taught me my passions which are horses, hiking, camping, skiing, music, writing, laughter, and love. However, I can assure you, I am no stereotypical cowgirl of the west. I like to believe that remnants of my past have followed me throughout my life. The places I have lived and the people I have met have changed me in one way or another and I am thankful for each and every experience as they have made me who I am today. And who am I you may ask? I am a Montana girl. I am adventure, I am courage, I am love, and I am laughter. I am ready to take on the world with a grin on my face and adventure in my heart.

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