Erin Brocksmith on OdysseyErin Brocksmith
Erin Brocksmith

Erin Brocksmith

Username: erinbrocksmith

Joined in March 2018

  • About

    I was born on October 17, 1998 (which makes me a Libra, HOLLA) in Jacksonville, Florida. I have a twin sister but we're fraternal, which means we don't look exactly the same. I am also the mother of a little 10-month-old cotton ball of a cat, Ivy RuPaul, and I love animals. One day, I'd like to be a writer and photojournalist for Rolling Stone, or another high-profile music/entertainment magazine, but for now I just listen to the 6,000 songs in my Apple Music library and take too many pictures and videos at concerts.

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