Emily Carlson on OdysseyEmily Carlson
Emily Carlson

Emily Carlson

Username: emilygracecarlson

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I am a recent graduate of Concordia College in Moorhead, MN with a major in Communications and a minor in Religion. Currently I work for Beyond Outdoors/Concrete as an Office Manager in Fargo, ND.

    Some of my hobbies include biking, hiking, and exploring anything outside. I have a passion for cupcakes, weddings, and painting my nails. My favorite animal has always been the giraffe, although I am toying with the idea of changing that to whales because let's be real, they're awesome. On another note, my assigned spirit animal is a tortoise.

    One of my favorite views is a row of trees with the ever changing sky behind them. Large bodies of water will never cease to amaze me. And I truly believe there is something wonderful to see where ever you go.

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