Joined in August 2017
I am currently a junior in college at Xavier University in Cincinnati studying Health Administration. I grew up in the great state of New Jersey in a small town called Frenchtown. I have an older brother Robert who currently lives in Wisconsin. Then there are my two loving parents, Liz and John. My mom is originally from Ohio but after meeting my dad she quickly became an east coaster and moved to NJ. My mom is someone who never fails to make me laugh even though I am usually laughing at her. She has taught me so much about life and to always give people the benefit of the doubt and keeping giving back. Then there is my dad, he is a selfless loving man who gives me the world with out complaint. I have learned what hard work looks like and never to settle for anything but the bust. I love my family they are my pillars. I was blessed not only with a great family but also wonderful and loving friends.
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