DeAnna Sandoval on Odyssey DeAnna Sandoval
DeAnna Sandoval

DeAnna Sandoval

Username: deannasandoval

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Growing up in poverty in Minnesota, going to an inner-city charter school in San Antonio, and then attending a prestigious boarding school in New England has certainly taught me some important life lessons that my parents didn't get to learn until they were in their twenties and thirties. There's nothing like some solid doses of culture shock to illustrate differences among people that I did not even think could exist. Due to these environmental changes over the years, I have the ability to adapt to any place whilst holding my own personality, morals, and beliefs in tact. I have come to most value kindness, action, and respect over pride and domination. With this system in mind, I aspire to be a passionate leader in education or business that inspires, encourages, and empowers people to be their best selves.

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