Daniella Luciano on OdysseyDaniella Luciano
Daniella Luciano

Daniella Luciano

Username: daniellaluciano

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Growing up near the big apple has demonstrated the value of determination to my young sponge of a mind. I have learned the cruciality of putting onself out there, and going out of your way to get recognized in a positive way. I have always been a "go getter." Over my years, I have been involved in competitive soccer, competitive dance, vocal performance, and piano performance. I have gained the delicious taste of victory, and the sour taste of defeat. However, my endeavors have taught me to appreciate both, equally. Through my experiences as a child, I have acquired a love for all things creativity related, and seek to work in a field where I can express my desires, in an artistic and public way, hence my career path to marketing. Through my experiences in college, I have developed a strong desire to give back to my community, landing me fundraising positions throughout my campus. As a musician, an artist, an athlete, and a student, I think I can target and attract all breeds of the young adult in America, today.

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