Crista Lacqua on OdysseyCrista Lacqua
Crista Lacqua

Crista Lacqua

Username: cristalacqua

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I love writing because it is cathartic and lets me be me. Growing up in New York City has taught me to fight for what I want. I want to express myself to millions of people and inspire them to do the same. Attending an all girls school the majority of my life has taught me that, as women, we need to embrace ourselves and pursue each and every dream we have. I have had a goal since I was sixteen years old- to one day write books or for a magazine with the sole purpose of empowering other women to strive to become the best versions of themselves. In this chaotic world we live in, women, specifically teenage girls, frequently get lost in the picture that society draws us as to how we and our lives are supposed to be. I know alone, I cannot reach and empower every girl. But I want to help even if it is just one person.

    I have a passion for all things New York, Frank Sinatra, and classic movies-from John Hughes to Martin Scorsese films. Aside from writing to inspire women’s health- emotionally and mentally- I love to write about my interests, from music to food to movies.

    To know someone has read my words and is now saying “You know…she’s right,” is the ultimate euphoria. I hope I have this effect on my readers.

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