
Username: chontelbevans

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Chontel Monae Bevans is a native of Baltimore , Maryland. She is a product of Baltimore County Public Schools Systems (BCPS) where chontel was a magnet student who studied Mass Communications from middle school through high school . Chontel was known throughout BCPS for her journalism work, as well as holding various leadership positions. While still a student with BCPS Chontel held an internship with WMAR-TV in Baltimore for two years, where she was a teen reporter and news anchor for Teen Perspective 2 News. With this opportunity she has gained great experience in news writing , interviewing, reporting, and even editing.
    Chontel is also an active member of Victorious Ministries International in Baltimore, Md where she enjoys singing in the choir, Miming, and acting all for the Glory of God.
    Chontel recently began her tenure at the Illustrious Hampton University where she is a School of Business student, in the 5 year master program.
    Chontel is the executive assistant & E-GLAM coordinator for God, Glitter, & GLAM Ministries , a non profit organization.
    Aside from all of chontel's skills ,activities, and positions , she is also known by her outgoing personality, positive attitude and smiling face.

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