Chinomso Ezeh on OdysseyChinomso Ezeh
Chinomso Ezeh

Chinomso Ezeh

Username: chinomsoezeh

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I was born and raised in Nigeria. My inspiration to write comes from great admiration of distinguished African writers like Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Ngugi Wa Thiong'o and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. As a writer, my goal is to see my writing inspire my readers to develop into the best possible version of themselves through continuous encouragement of the transmission of individual and collective stories about identity in its different contexts.

    At a young age, I noticed that I had an interest in creative writing. So I started writing, creating worlds of my own and forming characters to inhabit these worlds. This process of forming my own stories enabled me to share the richness of my imagination. Eventually, I started my own blog, which is currently under reconstruction as I am redefining the purpose of the blog.

    I believe that one of the most powerful ways of expression is through writing. The power of words cannot be overestimated. Indeed, words can last for more than a lifetime. It is important to continue to provide young people with opportunities to express themselves through writing. Some of the distinguished African writers who inspire me, have since passed on from this world but their words still live on in the hearts of their readers. More people should be encouraged to write more; to tell and to document our stories in writing.

    I am particularly thrilled to be working with Odyssey because it supports the idea of empowering young people to tell their stories through writing. As a Nigerian, I am excited to share my views as an foreigner in a foreign country. It is important to point out that most of my views on various issues have changed in some ways since I left Nigeria. And my views continue to evolve even as I expand my knowledge, gain new experiences and fresh insight.

    Enjoy reading!

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