Cara LeighAnn Anderson on OdysseyCara LeighAnn Anderson
Cara LeighAnn Anderson

Cara LeighAnn Anderson

Username: caraleighann

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hello, I'm Cara LeighAnn Anderson. I'm a sophomore at the University of Montevallo where I major in Mass Communication, a Chi Omega, and a follower of Christ. I'm a Birmingham native and vinyl records are kind of my thing. I am a Beauty Advisor for an AVEDA Experience Center and that is partly why I wear all black almost everyday of my life. On a Tuesday, you can probably bet I'm eating tacos and if there's a concert, I'm probably there or wishing I was. I never leave the house without lipstick and sometimes when I open my mouth, my mom comes out. I'm also a Leo so that's probably why I think I'm a princess.

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