Britteny Ingram on OdysseyBritteny Ingram
Britteny Ingram

Britteny Ingram

Username: brit_ing

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I enjoy bubbles baths and wine just like most "basic white girls", but I do not like pumpkin spice lattes. I relate most to a combination of Tina from Bob's Burgers and Rory from Gilmore Girls. Apparently, I also like shows that have alliterations; like Breaking Bad. With that said, I have a cat and a dog who are my best show watching, wine drinking partners. They pretty much just sit there and let me vent. It's pretty great. However, I could tell they thought I needed another outlet; so hello Odyssey fam. I hope you enjoy reading this, as much as I enjoy hearing myself talk.

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