Brianna Spence on OdysseyBrianna Spence
Brianna Spence

Brianna Spence

Username: briannaspence

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I am currently a senior at Emporia State University. I will graduate in Spring 2017 with my Bachelors Degree. I am studying High School English Education. I want to teach high school students to have a desire and thirst to learn more in a subject that many hate. I have been writing poetry since third grade. But I love writing anything because writing is a way I can release how I'm feeling. I enjoy growing in my knowledge and faith by studying Gods word and attending church and bible studies. I am definitely obsessed with coffee and almost always have some type of coffee drink by my side. I am also definitely obsessed with anything Disney related from the movies and music all the way to the clothing.

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