Breanna Lucille Weaver on OdysseyBreanna Lucille Weaver
Breanna Lucille Weaver

Breanna Lucille Weaver

Username: breannaweaver

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I am an English major at Judson College pursuing a minor in Religious Studies. I was saved on March 1, 2015 by the blood of Jesus Christ, thereby correspondingly saving me from a life of atheism. Therefore, many of my articles are based around strong religious beliefs and practices. Nature, as well, is a key focus of many of my writings. My family runs the Indian reservation in Washington County that is inhabited by the MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians - my heritage and love for the Earth and its creator is what fuels my writing. The stories that I create are unique due to their mental, environmental, and cultural center points. They aren't the stereotypical political or newsworthy stories, but are instead the issues or practices that have fallen between the cracks of modern advertisement.

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