Brandon Pena on OdysseyBrandon Pena
Brandon Pena

Brandon Pena

Username: brandonpena

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    With a large user base and exceptional potential to continue growing, the Odyssey platform begs for more information to be shared with the public, with an already strong team of writers acting as the median. My passion for writing laying dormant for so long as I attend school and work only fuels my intent to serve my community as best as possible, and the Odyssey platform seems to be the best way to do so. I have much to share with my community and hold an immense desire to see what further discussion my input will prompt. Additionally, others like me may have the same obfuscation of their talent, lost in conforming to different norms, and I hope to inspire these closeted writers to share their wonderful ideas.

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