Averi Amsterdam on OdysseyAveri Amsterdam
Averi Amsterdam

Averi Amsterdam

Username: averiamsterdam

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    Articles written for theoddysseyonline.com are ones I enjoy reading as a part of my daily routine. Last spring semester (Spring 2015), I took time away from learning on campus at SUNY Oneonta and took classes online while participating in the Disney College Program. Through my experience there, I learned my original major of Music Industry wasn't the right fit for me because I preferred and gained a passion for writing articles and sharing my work with others. When I came back to campus for the Fall 2015 semester, I changed my major to Communication Studies and I am extremely happy with my choice. Besides my obvious passion and love for Disney, I enjoy making a difference in any way I can. I have been doing so in several areas around my campus. When I'm not in class, at a meeting, or working, I am often found in the gym, recreating a recipe I found on Pinterest or Buzzfeed, or planning a vacation somewhere. I hope through a position with theodysseyonline.com I will be able to share my work to a greater amount of viewers who will hopefully be able to feel my passion for the topics I write about.

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