Austin Burge on OdysseyAustin Burge
Austin Burge

Austin Burge

Username: austinburge

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    My name is Austin Burge. Currently, I'm a sophomore at Colorado Christian University. I'm probably one of the most organized people you'll ever meet. I have a keen attention for detail. Whether it was through my enrollment in numerous speech classes or my interest and involvement in theater in high school, my skills in public speaking have lead me to pursue a degree in Communication, with an emphasis in Public Speaking. My desire is to pursue a career that provides me with an opportunity to use my voice by way of speaking and/or writing in a public setting. Ever since my employment at the CCU Writing Center, I have developed a love for writing. I find joy and delight in crafting words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs together. I think applying to be an editor for Odyssey, as a result of my consultation experience in CCU's Writing Center, and hopefully even a writer, would be a great opportunity to enhance my resume, build my skills in editing and writing, and challenge myself in a way that I never have before. Odyssey may even be a door, or pathway to a door, that will lead me to a career in which I can speak and/or write in a way that will let my voice be heard.

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