Audreela Deb on OdysseyAudreela Deb
Audreela Deb

Audreela Deb

Username: audreeladeb

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    Hi! My name is Audreela, and I'm from a suburb right outside of Boston, Massachusetts. I'm currently in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. I've always loved reading odysseyonline articles because I feel and connect with them so much. I was reading one of my friend's pieces the other day, and started laughing and crying (yes; at the same time!) and realized I want to write articles that give people the same feeling I get every time I connect with a written piece. Writing is my form of escape, and always has been a creative outlet for me. My end goal in life is to become a lawyer for human trafficking victims, but for now, my goal in life is to connect with as many people as I possibly can, talk about things that matter, and making a lasting change in this world. I believe writing is a way I can reach that goal! Few random favorites: Shopping, bubble tea, pugs, Jane the Virgin, cuticle care, deep talks about the universe, traveling, and reading young adult books (yes, John Green novels). Some fun facts about me: I'm Bengali, speak three different languages, and have exactly 156 things to still cross off my bucket list.

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