Ashley Dalsing on OdysseyAshley Dalsing
Ashley Dalsing

Ashley Dalsing

Username: ashleydalsing

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    Hello! I am Ashley Dalsing and I am a junior at Simpson College located in Indianola, Iowa. I am a double major in both Public Relations and Business Management. I am the Secretary and Treasurer as well as the Co-Chair of the Fundraising Committee for Simpson College's PRSSA chapter. I am also a participant of basketball team here. As of recent, I have accepted the Internal Public Relations Intern at Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield. Also, I have been asked to be the Undergrad Assistant (UGA) for the Multimedia Communications and Journalism Department at my college next year. I am very passionate about writing whether it be for my journalism class, my public relation classes, or even for my lifestyle blog. I am constantly writing. It is my goal in life to be the best at whatever I end up doing. Ultimately it would be a dream come true to be a publicist for a well-known musician, actor, or fashion icon/company. A reason why I would like to write for the Odyssey Online is because here at Simpson College we are unique compared to all of the big universities out there that are selected over us small schools. I think this would be a great opportunity for those in the journalism and public relations programs to have a little bit of freedom and creativity to write about. Sure we have our own magazine on campus, as well as one of the oldest, most well-established student ran newspapers in the country, it would be so incredible to add the Odyssey Online to that list. I love keeping up with the Odyssey and reading all of the fun, unique and creative articles that students have to post. It inspires me greatly on many levels and if given the chance, it would be my greatest pleasure to inspire others in my own community here at Simpson. I have had leadership positions before and still hold them to this day, but actually starting and establishing something like the Odyssey on Simpson's campus would be a dream come true and an opportunity that I couldn't pass up.

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