Ariana Spinogatti on OdysseyAriana Spinogatti
Ariana Spinogatti

Ariana Spinogatti

Username: arianaspinogatti

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    The Odyssey has become such a huge platform over the years of how people express themselves, share news, and what they find to be interesting content. From an outsiders perspective, it has been extremely interesting to watch how influential The Odyssey has become over social media. I love reading all of the articles to hear different peoples voices and opinions. Its a great way for people to be given a platform to share and create news of their own. How the articles are posted so anyone can report their own opinions is very valuable. This ability helps create a discussion between readers and builds interest when more people are giving feedback. I think bringing in my own perspective and opinion on subject matters I have experience with can add great first hand reporting that can add value to the site.

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