Draco on OdysseyDraco


Username: apexdraco

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hello everyone! The name is Justin, but you can simply call me Draco. I am an avid gamer, playing a variety of genres from action/adventure to strategy. I write for the amusement of pointing out the good, bad, and questionable in video games by incorporating terrible puns and comparisons to other games of similar caliber. My favorite titles are most of the Assassin's Creed series, the Halo series, the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and the Pokémon series. I can probably name all 802 Pokémon if I see what they look like, come to think of it.

    A healthy body promotes a healthy mind, I like to believe. I exercise three days a week and try to balance the food groups so I can consistently improve my body. Although, I probably will not grow any taller than this. Oh well. Having a healthy mind is great when it comes to college assignments, tough tasks, and personal reading. My favorite author is Chris D'Lacey, and favorite series of his is the Last Dragon Chronicles.

    Speaking of dragons, I admire them. Powerful, yet graceful. Feared, yet loved. I have two dragon tattoos: my first on my wrist, and my second on my shoulder. More to come? Perhaps.

    My articles are about titles released for the Xbox One and Nintendo 3DS so far, due to my collegiate endeavors. They will primarily be reviews of games that I have played as of recent, with those good, bad, and questionable points. I also attend some conventions, so I will write about those as well. And if you are unaware about who my cosplay is in my picture, it is the best team leader, Spark, from Pokémon GO!



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