Angela Lydon on OdysseyAngela Lydon
Angela Lydon

Angela Lydon

Username: angelalydon

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    My name is Angela Lydon, a current student attending Salem State University to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in English (concentration: Professional Writing.) I currently work as a night manager at a local grocery store, but am looking to expand in my field of interest. I have already received an Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts from North Shore Community College. The written word has always intrigued me, and I am glad to be further pursuing this interest at school. Writing, to me, is not just a form of personal expression, but a relatable outlet for the reader. You can learn so much about something based off of how it is written. Aside from my literary contribution, my other hobbies include playing and writing music, participating in sports outside of school, and occasional recreational photography. I intend on one day letting my thoughts be words which can be read by many.

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