Amanda Sells on OdysseyAmanda Sells
Amanda Sells

Amanda Sells

Username: amandasells

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    At twenty-one, I'm still trying to figure out my life. I'm in the impending transition stage between studying and adulting, and I'm (slowly) learning how to cope with the drastic change. Do I know what I want to do for the rest of my life? No, but what I do know is that I want to write. I want nothing more than to publish opinion pieces and articles for my fellow millennials to read so that we can become united through the vast world of social media and make some sort of sense of the tumultuous lives we lead. I want to write for Odyssey in particular because I feel that my thoughts, opinions, and ideas about the issues directly affecting millennials - global climate change; the dwindling economy; social constructs such as race, sexuality, and gender identity; relationships and family constructs, to name a few - can create a bigger conversation amongst all people. My writing can act as a springboard for the progressive mindset of millenials and show society at large that we are intellectual, contributing human beings as opposed to lazy and unmotivated punks. I want to make a difference, even if it's only through a piece circulated on Facebook, and I want to do so through Odyssey.

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