Amanda Cuevas on OdysseyAmanda Cuevas
Amanda Cuevas

Amanda Cuevas

Username: amandacuevas

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    While filling out college applications my senior year of high school, I felt as indecisive as ever about what I wanted to major in, and essentially what to do with my life. The majors kept flipping around in my head: Psychology, English, Marketing, etc. There were so many possibilities that it was hard to choose just one path to take. So I chose English first. I have always had a love for creative writing, and it felt like the right choice. Well the final semester of senior year progressed, acceptance letters were being mailed out, and I started to second guess whether being an English major was what I really wanted. I took the time to think about it again and focused on aspects of my life that I truly took pleasure in. I concluded with music and promotions. I love to promote music. I hold such passion for music that I haven't second guessed being a Marketing major and have ambitiously followed through learning the ropes for it. Music marketing is what I want to do. But every once in a while my mother reminds me not to abandon my writing; that it is a part of me that I should hold on to. She's right. Do what inspires you.

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