Alyssa Weatherston on OdysseyAlyssa Weatherston
Alyssa Weatherston

Alyssa Weatherston

Username: alyssaweatherston

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Like many others, I feel I have a unique view of the world around me. Unlike many others, I like to write about it.

    When I was a wee sophomore in high school, we did a project called "What's on your window?" wherein we analyzed the components of our lives that affected our perspective and created a visual depiction of them. A lot of my window has remained fundamentally the same, but I think that in the five intervening years the patina has developed along with me. Now my window and I are in college. I know how it feels to write a hot rent check. I have tasted the finest muffins and bagels in all the land, rewards for my personal victories, as well as the not-so-sweet sting of my defeats. I'm learning to look past the haze on my window to try and understand how others view the world, to change out the filter on my camera. I like to think that anytime I do, a little bit of that new color tints my own perspective.

    You probably won't see many posts along the lines "13 gifs that perfectly capture finals week" or "why men at BYU shouldn't wear mustaches." I am more interested in challenging wrongheaded beliefs, fighting stigmas, and maybe a little bit of exploring human nature. I want to weigh in on matters with more weight. I want to write about how national issues affect our community and about how our little community can affect the nation.

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