Ally Rosenfeld on OdysseyAlly Rosenfeld
Ally Rosenfeld

Ally Rosenfeld

Username: allyrosenfeld

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hey guys! I'm Ally Rosenfeld, and currently a student at Quinnipiac University. Writing is my passion considering that I am an English major. I love to write about fictional scenarios, non fiction; typically I enjoy writing in regards to any genre. One of my biggest passions in life is working with children, helping them out through thick and thin and, thus, seeing them succeed. Due to the fact that throughout my childhood I struggled with an immense amount of learning issues, and fortunately I have gotten over this obstacle, I feel as though, helping out other individuals, and passing along the skills and techniques that I have learned would be an amazing and fulfilling thing to do with my life. I also feel as if I would be a great addition, as a student writer for The Odyssey online, as I on a daily basis, not only read the articles my friends post, but for a long while now I have had an immense amount of interest in composing my own articles and, thus, having them published. I am so thrilled to know that one of my articles is actually going live today; finding out this information truly did make so ecstatic, and even more interested in becoming part of the team.


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