Allison Brill on OdysseyAllison Brill
Allison Brill

Allison Brill

Username: allisonbrill

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    My name is Allison, and am a Junior at Carroll University. Originally, I am from the small city of Wausau, WI, but spent most of my summers growing up on a lake in northern Wisconsin. I am fortunate to come from a very close-knit and supportive family. I love traveling, being outdoors, my dogs, and recently, writing. I was diagnosed with Alopecia areata as a child, and recently lost all of my hair to the disease. I found my way to confidence by talking and writing about myself and others. Through my writing, I want to educate and motivate people to be the best "them" they can be. Plus, I have a lot of fun with it too.

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