The Ultimate University Of Rhode Island Urban Dictionary | The Odyssey Online
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The Ultimate University Of Rhode Island Urban Dictionary

A breakdown of URI's most important words

The Ultimate University Of Rhode Island Urban Dictionary
University of Rhode Island / YouTube

If you attend URI, you're used to hearing these words and phrases on a regular basis. So, before visiting or entering campus as a freshman, make sure you've reviewed the URI Urban Dictionary.

University of Rhode Island (URI)

A college located in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Known for its darties, greek life, construction, nearby ocean views, and the fancy science buildings that were built instead of putting a working roof on the dining hall.

"I'm going down to Kingston to visit my friend at URI." "Where?"

Butt Nugs

Gods gift to the students of URI. They are tiny little golden pieces of heaven that can be dipped in barbecue, honey mustard or ketchup. While there is an argument that the nuggets may not actually contain chicken, the students don't seem to mind.

"Hey can you swipe me in, I heard they have butt nugs today."

Elephant Hill

The bane of every student's existence

"I think I'm gonna skip class today, I don't feel like walking up the elephant hill."

Parking Tickets

While parking tickets seem to bring fear to many who live other places, getting a parking ticket here is as common as getting a hug. So the evil little slips of paper start to lose meaning and start to fill your glovebox.

"I promise mom I'll pay back all of my parking tickets next week."


What is a sunny day on the quad without a free cup of delicious frozen lemonade?

"The temperature is above 60 today, I bet theres free Del's on the quad."

The Union

The center of the URI universe, and the key to 50% of your daily problems.

"Man I'm hungry lets go to the Union." "I need Dunks asap from the Union." "I just got a sweatshirt from the Union." "1$ Allies outside the Union." ...etc


(Also referred to as "Bon-zoo")

The coveted meeting place of everyone that is 21+ on Thursdays.

"Ugh I wish I was 21 so I could go to Bonvue this Thursday."


"God Damn Independent" Referring to anyone not in Greek Life

"Greek life isn't for me so I'm a GDI."

Codeine Cough Syrup

Health Services version of Candy. No matter the sickness you will always be loaded up with your daily dose of Codeine.

"I have a bad stomach ache." "Ok here's some Codeine cough syrup just in case."


The main means of transportation for every student at Uri.

"Are you guys done pre-gaming I'm going to order the uber now"

Greek Life

The biggest and most hardcore organization on campus. Greeks are always busy and alwyas wearing letters.If you aren't in Greek life what do you do on the weekend?..

"I heard URI is huge on greek life."

Orange Sticker

Dreaded. Unwanted. Basically the only thing that can actually stop frat guys from throwing a party. It's like the plague, you avoid it as good as you can, but once you have it you are done.

"The cops gave us an orange sticker last night, so we are done for."

The Colosseum

The dirtiest, stingiest club in Providence. No is known to have a good experience there, but it's still a freshmen right of passage to go at least once.

"Did you go to the Collesseum on Halloween?" "Ya and I'm never going back again."


The website known mostly for crashing, accidentally changing your password, and be all around impossible to navigate.

"Did you sign up for your classes on ecampus yet?" "No it crashed every time I opened the page."


Your only savior on cold snowy winter days. I'm pretty sure half the school would never show up to class if it weren't for Rhode Island public transportation.

"I took the RIPTA from the library to the dining hall today because I was cold"


URI seems to have a deep fascination with calzones, and the most popular food to be delivered to a Uri student late at night is I-zone calzones.I-zone is the place where dreams come true, if you can dream up the calzone, chances are they can make it. Uri students throw money at this place without hesitation as soon as the drunk munchies kick in.

"Im hungry, I'm going to get a mac and cheese calzone from I-zone."

Wicked Good Kettle Corn

Free samples.

"This is my third time walking by Wicked good Kettle Corn to get a sample, do you think they will notice?"

Greek Week

A should be national holiday and the best week of any greeks year.

"Only 230 days until greek week!"

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