12 Reasons Why College Orientation Is "Introvert Hell" | The Odyssey Online
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12 Reasons Why College Orientation Is "Introvert Hell"

No matter how ready you are for college, when you're an introvert, you're never really prepared for orientation.

12 Reasons Why College Orientation Is "Introvert Hell"
Kendall Loh/Photo Editor

We're not shy, not by a long shot. Actually, plenty of our high school friends would say we're the life of the metaphorical party. But if none of your high school friends are going to your college, you're having to start all over again. And the thought of having to do that isn't exactly a happy one.

As introverts, the whole "making friends" thing isn't exactly our scene. We don't go out of the way to introduce ourselves to strangers, and generally prefer staying at home rather than frequenting the party scene. When socialization drains your batteries that much, it's much easier to just avoid it more often than not.

Unfortunately, we can't exactly avoid going to orientation.

If you're an introvert like me, chances are your college orientation experience was a little overwhelming. And chances are, these are some of the reasons why:

1. Small talk is a necessary part of the socialization process.

Introverts despise small talk, and you're no different. What you really crave is a deep conversation with a close friend, but you kind of need to actually make those close friends before you try any of that.

2. Icebreakers make you die a little inside.

Remember how much you hate small talk? This is just like it, only worse, because now you're playing games about small talk. Also, literally no one knows where slow lorises come from, so there goes your answer to "what country would you like to have a pet from?"

Seriously, can I hire someone to do this for me?

3. You have zero idea who to sit with at lunch.

You met this one kid who looked just as uncomfortable as you did during the soul-crushing experience that was icebreakers, and they seemed pretty cool, and you think they probably don't hate you. Does that make you obligated to sit together during lunch? You wouldn't mind, but the last thing you want is another hour of small talk on what was supposed to be a break from it all.

They don't look like they'll talk to me. Sounds great.

4. You're running low on personal batteries way before the day is over.

It's only been two hours of forced socialization and you already want to just go home and read a book or maybe take a nap. But there's still four more hours left, and you can't exactly walk out, so it looks like you'll just have to endure.

5. Q&A sessions forcibly remove a part of your soul.

You have questions. They have answers. But you are not feeling the whole calling attention to yourself thing, so you just sit there in the hopes that someone asks it for you. When no one does, you settle on sending an email later.

What is even happening?

6. Your phone is just as drained as you are.

In a desperate attempt to isolate yourself for two seconds, you pull out your phone to pretend to check a text. But the screen won't turn on, and you realize it's probably from all those background apps you always tell yourself you're going to turn off but never do. And now you have no excuse not to socialize.

It's like you're twins or something.

7. Your favorite parts of the day are the ones where you don't have to talk to anyone.

Which is honestly kind of sad, because those are usually the most boring parts. Thanks, but you'll pass on listening to the Greek Life spiel — rush week sounds almost worse than this week does.

Actual image of introvert hell.

8. Trying not to offend the one buddy you found.

You ended up sticking with your lunch buddy the rest of the day, and discovered they're actually pretty good material for a potential friend. But your patience with the day is wearing thin, and you're just praying it doesn't show so they don't think you dislike them.

9. The last half hour feels like an eternity.

You keep checking your watch, but it's entirely possible that time has somehow been replaced with snails. You've pretty much tuned everyone out at this point in favor of listening to the the near constant "please end my suffering" running through your head.

Pull the trigger, Piglet.

10. It's not really over when it ends.

Somehow, other people actually feed off this level of interaction, and are still ready for more once you're finally free. Half of you wants the chance to really start to get to know people, and half wants to run away because you've far surpassed your socialization limit for the day.

Even if you make yourself go, you find an excuse to leave the scene as soon as possible.

11. Getting back to your dorm doesn't offer as much relief as you'd like.

You still have roommates, and they're already chattering away about everything that happened today when all you want to do is forget about it. But instead, you get to listen to a rundown of all the people they hung out with. How is it so easy for them?

12. The sinking feeling you get when you realize it's only day one.

Your roommates have finally quieted down, you've finally settled into recharge mode, ready for some much-needed "me time" — and you suddenly remember that you have the entire rest of the week of the exact same kind of thing. But at least you know what to expect now, and you think that maybe — just maybe — you're a little more prepared for tomorrow.

You need to be.
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