TV Episodes That Change Lives
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TV Episodes That Change Lives

For The Overly Invested Viewer

TV Episodes That Change Lives

If you are like me, then you fall in love with characters on TV shows. And you fall hard. Because of this, TV shows often change your life. There are certain shows that have changed my life more than others, but it is always specific episodes that really do the damage. Below are a few of the most life changing episodes of TV (in my opinion, of course.)

Disclaimer: there will be spoilers. If there's a show you haven’t watched but hope to one day see (all of these should be watched at some point), then please skip it. I don’t want to ruin anything for you. As I said, these episodes are honestly all life changing.

1. "One Tree Hill" Season 3, Episode 16: “With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept.”

3.16 is one of the saddest TV episodes ever. As if the depressed, bullied school shooter wasn’t enough, the most beloved character on the show, Keith, was killed by none other than his little brother. If you weren’t sobbing, screaming, or completely speechless, I’m going to say that you're almost as heartless as Dan Scott. Yeah I went there. Episode 3.16 has gut-wrenching romance with Haley and Nathan and Lucas and Peyton, and it has heart-breaking deaths. This episode hardcore changed my life.

2. "Friends" Season 10, Episode 24: “The Last One.”

10 seasons of "Friends" and I still wasn’t tired of it. And after 10 seasons, you were still rooting for the couple from season 1: Ross and Rachel. That's why when Rachel gets off the plane, I could not stop myself from audibly sobbing. Ross and Rachel are meant to be…“they’re Ross and Rachel.” And of course, Chandler and Monica finally get their long awaited babies. And let's not forget the zoom-in on the door in the end of the episode that had me crying like a little baby. I loved that door so much *cue tears again*. And if none of those three brilliant aspects of the finale made you catch the feels, I hope you were crying just because it was over.

3. "Lost" Season 1, Episodes 1 and 2: “Pilot.”

These are, perhaps, two of the best television episodes ever. Although every episode of "Lost" is life changing, the pilot sets the stage for the best, most life changing show of all time. It introduces you to every character and gives you some idea of who they are. Part 1 is Jack’s episode, meaning it goes into his backstory a little more deeply. Part 2 gives you more insight into Charlie and Kate's lives. The pilot is full of suspense, terror, romance and sorrow. This episode captures all kinds of relationships whether it is father/son, brother/sister, husband/wife, or complete strangers. The show features characters of all shapes and sizes such as a criminal, a lottery winner, a doctor, a drug addict, a con man, a paralyzed man, a cancer patient, a pregnant woman and many more. This show changed my life from the very first episode.

4. "Grey's Anatomy" Season 6, Episode 24: “Death and All His Friends.”

What would this list be without Shonda Rymes’ baby, "Grey's Anatomy"? Honestly, so many episodes of "Grey's" changed me in some way. From George’s death to anything relating to Derek and Meredith, there were tear soaked tissues covering my floor after almost every episode. The one that stands out to me most though, is the season 6 finale, when a shooter comes into the hospital in search for Derek. This episode puts every character’s abilities to the test and deals with depression, sorrow, friendship, love and morals. It messes you up almost as much as it messes up the doctors who are the ones experiencing it in the episode.

Honorable mention to season 6, episode 1 which is where George dies, and it was slightly unbearable. 007.

5. "The Office" Season 6, Episodes 4 and 5: “Niagara.”

You have been waiting the entire show for Jim and Pam to be together and live happily ever after. So, thank god their wedding lives up to the hype. This episode made me laugh and cry (like "The Office" episodes do), but it was extra special because Jim and Pam’s wedding captured the essence of their relationship. It was beautiful, amazing, full of friends, not dull or too serious, and so moving. Plus the dancing is unreal.

Honorable mention to Michael's proposal to Holly Season 7, Episode 19: “Garage Sale.”

6. "Parks and Rec" Season 3, Episode 16: “Li'l Sebastian.”

This season finale is honestly so good. It involves a secret romance, the emergence of a brilliant entertainment company, and the death of a hero. Leslie and Ben trying to keep their relationship a secret adds suspense to this episode, especially when a worker at the memorial sees them kissing (uh oh). Entertainment 720 is introduced, which will forever be one of the worst/best business ideas of Tom and Jean-Ralphio. We also finally have Tammy 1 and Tammy 2 in the same place at the same time which is another big “uh oh.” But for real, the best part of this episode is Andy’s song “5,000 Candles in the Wind,” which is a song written as a tribute to Li’l Sebastian and receives well-deserved praise. This episode is sad, hilarious, and drama filled, and it changed my life.

Honorable mention to Leslie and Ben’s wedding episode Season 5, Episode 14: “Leslie and Ben”

7. "House of Cards" Season 2, Episode 1: “Chapter 14”

The first season of "House of Cards" is brilliant. But it's nothing compared to the first episode of the second season. There are just so many unexpected moments, most notably that part where know...pushes Zoe onto the train tracks when a train is flying by, killing her. The murder is so quick and painless for Frank that I had to pause the episode so I could be shocked for a minute, because he certainly wasn’t affected at all. Throughout season 1, Frank often has moments with the audience, letting us in on what he's thinking. This is omitted from the first episode of the second season until the very end, when Frank finally addresses the camera and welcomes the audience back. The end monologue of this episode gave me chills. This episode really changed my life.

Although all of these episodes are, of course, life changing, the shows themselves are also incredible, and I highly recommend every single one.

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