The Truth On Sanders' Supporters From A Real Supporter Of Bernie Sanders
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Politics and Activism

The Truth On Sanders' Supporters From A Real Supporter Of Bernie Sanders

Millennials are going to save the world.

The Truth On Sanders' Supporters From A Real Supporter Of Bernie Sanders

Lately, Bernie Sanders has not been doing so well. This leaves the establishment because they think the revolution will come to an end. And a lot of articles have been circling the Internet saying they know the truth about Sanders' supporters. But it never made sense to me how these journalists claim to know the truth about Sanders' supporters when they don't support him in the first place. Almost all of these article writers are baby boomers. I am not discrediting these people. There is some truth. Like how most of Bernie Sanders' supporters are millennials. But they also talk about how millennials, especially those who support Bernie, are entitled. It also leaves some baby boomers saying in a senile voice, "I think it's great that Bernie Sanders is losing; his supporters are communists and want to steal half my paycheck." This is just an example, but I don't doubt it has been said. This statement is wrong in so many ways, but we must stay on track.

I think adults who are non-Bernie supporters, are incredibly condescending. I feel if they could sum up how they feel about millennials getting involved in politics, they would say, "That's really awesome you're getting involved, but you don't agree with me, so therefore you're generation is stupid and entitled, now please step aside and let the adults handle this." I was once told by an adult very close to me that this is a phase, and as I grow older, I will find I am quite conservative. I put on my best OMG-you're-so-right face, pretended to care and then did quite possibly the biggest eye roll in history. It looked a lot like this.

Millennials are the most educated generation; meanwhile, a whopping 78 percent of millennials support Bernie. Think that's a coincidence?

There is corruption in America, which millennials will fix, because Bernie's ideas truly resonated with us. Recently, I found out my congressman, Dean Heller, took a bribe of more than $120,000 from the NRA to vote no on all gun-control bills that were proposed after the Orlando shooting. It's nice to know where his priorities lie. I certainly won't vote for him again. Plus, Hillary Clinton received money from Goldman Sachs; they put millions out of work.

Again, I am a Bernie supporter, and I don't know whom I will support. I truly believe Clinton stole this election by voter suppression. If I vote for her, that goes against every single one of Bernie's beliefs.

But I also despise Trump. I am not a racist bigot. I don't hate Muslims. I believe they are peaceful people, and I certainly don't want them banned. It didn't work when we banned Japanese Americans during World War II, so why the bloody hell do people think it will work now? Plus, deporting 11 million people will collapse our economy. Just look at how well Alabama's strict immigration law worked out for them. *Spoiler: After Alabama's incredibly strict immigration law was passed, their economy literally collapsed, and it may never recover.

Bernie cares about issues near and dear to our hearts, like income inequality and student debt. Unlike this example courtesy of Hillary Clinton.

The main news sites ignored Bernie and hoped he would go away. That didn't work because 88 percent of millennials get their news from Facebook and other alternative news sites because the main news sites lost the trust of millennials. We were talking about Ferguson way before baby boomers were. To be honest, Facebook was where I heard about Bernie. So many of my friends and classmates were sharing his ideas that I considered him. But at the same time I truly believe people choose to be stupid. We have the Internet, and we have Google. If you don't know something look it up. I refused to listen to news reporters, who are supposed to be unbiased, dismiss Bernie as a socialist. So I decided to do my own research, and then I read dozens and dozens of articles about why I shouldn't vote for him. And then I read dozens of articles of why I should vote for him. Then I made my decision.

Bernie Sanders is a once in a lifetime politician. He has a squeaky clean past and is not corrupted, unlike most politicians. There is maybe one other politician like him. It's really sad that so many adults want us to support politicians we know corrupted our economy in the first place. We're not stupid. We refused to get involved in politics because so many politicians are untrustworthy, and we don't love baby boomers either. They wrecked our economy, yet that doesn't stop them from criticizing this generation.

For as long as I can remember, I have been told my generation has the power to drastically change the future. All of a sudden I realize that actually means, "If the next generation does not think like us, we can just call them entitled and lazy." Conservative baby boomers and news sites like Fox News want to keep a conservative ideology. If they don't get that, they will just call us entitled.

Our entire lives it has been pounded into us that we need to go to college in order to be successful and live the life we want. Once upon a time, state taxes used to cover 75 percent of college tuition costs, but they don't anymore. I really hate that my generation is called entitled when we really mean, "What the hell? Why can other generations receive this but we can't?"

Seventy-eight percent of millennials support Bernie's ideas, and his ideas truly resonated with us. Many millennials are now running for office and are winning. If you're a "Harry Potter" fan, then you know what I mean when I say we may not be Dumbledore's army, but we are Bernie's army. Millennials are the future, and if this is what the future looks like then I can't wait until millennials dethrone baby boomers from running the world. #stepasidebabyboomers #thisgeneration

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