Top 10 TV Comedy Crushes | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 TV Comedy Crushes

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Top 10 TV Comedy Crushes

I love TV. Especially sitcoms. Nothing eases the stress of being a college student quite as well as letting yourself drift away into the funny problems of funny people for 22 minutes (or six hours) every once and a while (or every night). When you are as invested in the sitcom life as I am, crushes are an unavoidable byproduct of that obsession—so without further ado, I'm presenting what I believe to be the definitive list on funny, TV boyfriend material:

10. Doug Heffernan from "King of Queens"

An unconventional choice? Maybe. But Doug is the kind of funny that's always guaranteed to bring you out of a bad mood. He's also totally on board with spending Friday nights at home, ordering takeout from multiple restaurants and falling asleep on the couch.

9. Coach from "New Girl"

Okay, so Coach can be a little overbearing and arrogant sometimes, but he’s got a heart of gold (not to mention abs of steel).

8. Steve Urkel from "Family Matters"

Steve Urkel is probably a dark horse for a spot on this list—but hear me out. Urkel is a dynamic, intelligent and super caring guy. And with him, you’d never have to worry about money because his inventions are bound to make him millions once he works out the kinks…in the meantime though, you might want to keep the fire extinguisher handy.

7. Josh Nichols from "Drake and Josh"

Can we all just acknowledge that by the time Drake and Josh ended, the tables had officially turned on the question of which brother was hotter? Not only was Josh the original Neville Longbottomer of our early adolescence, he was also smart, level-headed and totally would’ve been down to cuddle and watch Opera reruns whenever we wanted.

6. Danny Castellano from "The Mindy Project"

Danny is, by all accounts, a grumpy, anti-social, jerk. But, he’s also a great doctor, a dedicated boyfriend and he completely understands my feelings about pants. Also, he dances like this:

5. Marshall Erikson from "How I Met Your Mother"

Marshall is just the best, guys. He’s like a big, goofy Sasquatch who’s always willing to do anything for the ones he loves. He’s also smart (a lawyer!) and super close to his mom, not to mention awesome with kids. Bonus: He's Jason Segel.

4. Chandler Bing from "Friends"

Good ole’ Chanandler Bong. No one on this list can rival him in the categories that really matter—namely sarcastic one-liners, sweater vests, and the inability to deal with even remotely emotional problems. We love you Chandler! Don’t ever change!

3. Ben Wyatt from "Parks and Recreation"

It requires a brave man to take on the (completely rewarding) challenge of loving Leslie Knope, but no one is better suited to the task than Ben Wyatt. He has just the right amount of common sense to balance out Leslie’s wild idealism and just the right amount of ambition to keep his own life from disappearing completely into her agenda.

2. Jim Halpert from "The Office"

No list of TV crushes would be complete without Jim Halpert. I mean, just look at that face—those eyes! His charm is irresistible and his adorable dedication to the woman he loves only makes him more swoon-worthy.

1. Uncle Jesse from "Full House"

Do I even need to explain this?

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