Top 10 Lightsaber Battles Of "Star Wars"
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Top 10 Lightsaber Battles Of "Star Wars"

Counting down the best and most iconic duels with a lightsaber throughout all six of the "Star Wars" movies.

Top 10 Lightsaber Battles Of "Star Wars"

"Star Wars" is one of my favorite movie series. With the recent release of the new "Star Wars" movie, I thought it would be appropriate to count down my top 10 lightsaber battles. This is all in my own opinion, not a consensus. Warning: There are spoilers!

10. Obi-Wan Kenobi versus Darth Vader (Episode 4)

This was the first lightsaber battle that people saw when the first movie was released. It was something new, and people were amazed. It was a heartbreaking moment when Obi-Wan let Vader kill him in front of Luke, but if this never happened, Luke may have never had the motivation that he did. This was an iconic duel, but the effects and choreography were still at an infant stage, which is why it comes in at No. 10.

9. Mace Windu versus Darth Sidious (Episode 3)

Although it was starting to become obvious that Chancellor Palpatine was the Sith Lord they were looking for, it's still exciting when Mace Windu confronts him. He whips out his red lightsaber, signifying he was a Sith, and the battle commences. Although it's a short battle, the Chancellor, or Sidious, ends up killing three Jedi before falling short of Windu. This battle is important for Anakin Skywalker as well, as he gives into his greed and love for Padme, and he cuts off Mace Windu's arm in order to save the Chancellor.

8. Yoda versus Count Dooku (Episode 2)

This is the first real battle in which we see Master Yoda. He seemed old and frail, but he can really fight. After Dooku knocks out Anakin and Obi-Wan, all hope is lost, until Yoda walks in with his cane. And then all hell breaks loose, and we see Yoda in real action. The battle is iconic and sets the tone for Episode 3.

7. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker versus Count Dooku (Episode 3)

The first battle of Episode 3 is a rematch between Dooku and the team of Anakin and Obi-Wan. This time, though, the outcome is a little different. With the Chancellor held captive and Obi-Wan pinned under a platform, Anakin must fight Dooku alone. He disarms Dooku, literally, and the Chancellor persuades him to kill Dooku, which is "not the Jedi way." Nevertheless, he beheads Dooku, and this can be seen as Anakin's first step towards the Dark Side.

6. Obi-Wan Kenobi versus General Grievous (Episode 3)

I loved this battle for many reasons. First, I love Grievous. Having a beefed-up droid as a general is one thing, but then, he all of a sudden pulls out four arms and wields a lightsaber in each hand. Good thing he wasn't very skilled, and ends up losing a couple arms in the battle. The battle ended with five or so shots to the heart of Grievous with a blaster, and down goes the general.

5. Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vader (Episode 5)

This is the first real battle between father and son. And yes, this is the battle that contains the famous line, "No, I am your father." There's a key moment when Vader believes that he kills Luke, but fails to notice him jumping up to the ceiling. It shows how Luke's training has really progressed, and Vader cannot underestimate him. With that being said, Vader succeeds in cutting off Luke's arm, like what happened to Vader when he was still Anakin. This is a great battle that completes a great fifth episode of "Star Wars."

4. Yoda versus Darth Sidious (Episode 3)

With the Jedi and the Republic falling, there's an act of valor and courage by Master Yoda, confronting the Emperor and challenging him to a lightsaber duel. Yoda and Sidious were the two most powerful warriors at the time, both knowing the ways of the Force and how to use a lightsaber. This battle is epic in so many degrees, with both opponents seeming old and frail. However, they're at the top of their game when it comes to having an exciting lightsaber battle, using both lightsabers and the Force to try and destroy the other. It ends with Yoda having to crawl away and go into hiding, but that's what every Jedi had to do.

3. Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vader (Episode 6)

The final battle chronologically in the "Star Wars" series, Luke battling his father for the final time is as emotional as it can get. From Luke unleashing cruel blows on his father out of anger, to Vader wishing to remove his mask so he can see his son's face before he dies, this battle has all of the feelings from six movies balled into one final battle. Well, that is until Episode 7 was released, which I haven't seen yet.

2. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn versus Darth Maul (Episode 1)

When "Star Wars" fans were treated to a prequel trilogy, they were also treated to increased special effects, including the lightsaber duels. Seeing Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon battle a red-and-black faced Sith with a double-sided lightsaber was the coolest thing. The way they were flipping through the air and counteracting brilliant move after brilliant move made me stare in awe. The choreography was amazing, as was the ending, with Obi-Wan using the Force to jump back up, grab his fallen partner's saber, and slice Maul in half. The most important part is how Qui-Gon made Obi-Wan promise to train Anakin, for he believed he would bring balance to the Force, despite the Jedi Council's fear he could be lead down the wrong path. This promise made by Obi-Wan started Anakin on the path to the ways of the Force, and eventually to the Dark Side.

1. Obi-Wan Kenobi versus Anakin Skywalker (Episode 3)

This is, by far, my favorite lightsaber battle in the entire series. It exemplifies Anakin's hatred and greed to save Padme's life, which he would even go over to the Dark Side to do. The fantastic battle between master and apprentice, at a mining factory in a far away star system, is just what they needed to end the third movie. The battle has so much emotion in it, and you almost feel bad for both of them: Anakin, for falling to his emotions out of love, and Obi-Wan, for having to fight his apprentice and good friend because of what Anakin has become. The ending scene with Anakin saying that Obi-Wan underestimates his powers, followed by Obi-Wan cutting off Anakin's legs and letting him burn in the ash embankment next to a river of lava... I just can't say enough about it. Listening to Obi-Wan yell and cry about how Anakin was meant to be the chosen one and that he loved him, while Anakin yells out of rage that he hates Obi-Wan, just stands out to me as the most iconic scene in the new trilogy.

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