The 6 Best '90s Throwbacks We All Wish Still Existed | The Odyssey Online
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The 6 Best '90s Throwbacks We All Wish Still Existed

Let's reminisce on the good times together!

The 6 Best '90s Throwbacks We All Wish Still Existed

We all know that the times have changed drastically over the years and technology has progressed with society. If you were born between 1990 and 1999, you were believed to be in a revolution of the best technology there ever was. Even after time went on and these gadgets proved to be the least high-tech, they still held that nostalgic place in our hearts.

So, here are six of my top favorite tech-savvy things of my time that we all wish were still around; (p.s. I am still waiting on my Tamagotchi):

1. CD Players

Before you flood me with comments on how Sony's "Discman" came out in the 80's, it didn't reach complete popularity until the 90's. This device was a necessity for me in everything I did and it would hold either Hilary Duff tunes or NOW 50. With one click of a button, we could replay our favorite jams for hours. Although it skipped countless times, we loved the magic of holding it in our hands or stuffing it in our pockets.

2. Tamagotchi

These little digital pets were our first encounter with responsibility. They taught us to never give up and were the first example when proving to our parents we could keep a pet alive for longer than 2 weeks. There may be millions of apps where you can care for a virtual pet on your phone but nothing will ever top the original key-chained version.

3. Gameboy

Oh how I miss my tiny pink Gameboy with the horribly dim green screen! It was my prized possession and I adored it. I even had a attachable light to use it in the dark which I would many times get in trouble for when I had to be up early for school. This device taught me about the importance of a games content instead of the quality in graphics.

4. Hot Pink Razr Flip Phone

If you're a girl born in this time, you would know all the craze and obsession there was of these Motorola flip phones. You were automatically labeled as popular and people assumed you had a lot of friends because of your "smartphone" and even though it took you 30 mins to write out each text message, you still looked cool doing it and you didn't care. Sometimes I wish I could trade my iPhone for one of these again but I don't know if I'd truly survive.

5. The Talkboy

We have all seen that famous gadget used by little Kevin McCallister when he was home alone in the Big Apple. After that it became something that every kid in American had on their Christmas list, unfortunately I still haven't gotten mine.

6. '90s Disney Channel Movies

And lastly, I leave you with all the classic Disney Channel movies that we all know and love. Movies that one-up every movie that Disney Channel will ever try and produce again because they never made us feel the same way. When we met our first crush in the 1998 film 'Brink!' when Erik Vin Detten's long blonde locks blowed in the wind or when we met out first live-action merman in the 1999 film 'The Thirteenth Year' and fell in love. But nothing would ever deny the brilliance of Disney Channel during the Halloween season because of great films like 'Halloweentown' and 'Hocus Pocus'.

So, you must admit and can barely deny that the 90's brought us all such great joy that no era will ever be able to acheive. But we can be thankful that we have all these memories stored in the depths of our hearts. Did I miss anything? What are some things that you miss from growing up, let me know maybe we can share the nostalgia!

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