The Ultimate Bat Mitzvah Playlist
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The Ultimate Bat Mitzvah Playlist

The must listen to music when 75% of the party is below the age of 14.

The Ultimate Bat Mitzvah Playlist
Dana Joy Seigelstein

In the Jewish culture, the way we mark our journey to woman/manhood is by having a bar/bat mitzvah, (bar is for boys, bat is for girls. I know that more than half of your minds are blown right now because you never knew). If you ask me, no one is headed for womanhood at age 12, in fact I am 19 and I don’t think I have even reached that stage yet. A lot of people look back at their bat mitzvah pictures and laugh because they look so weird and different, but I myself definitely peaked at my Batmitzvah. Only kidding.

This is actual footage of me hysterically crying after my friends gave me a Tiffany necklace.

What makes these parties so iconic and so enjoyable to look back on are the songs. 2009 was a helluva year for music and to the people that are older than 15 right now you know what I'm talking about.

With that being said, here is a list of my top 5 songs that will bring you back to bat mitzvah season, est. 2009.

1) “Shots” by LMFAO

This is an iconic song for a plethora of reasons. It was probably the most inappropriate song to be played at a seventh graders celebration of “womanhood” or “manhood”, yet you couldn’t go to a bar/bat mitzvah without hearing it. “Shots shots shots everybody”? Literally, 75% of the party was below the age of 14, what on earth. I know at mine it was the highlight of the night for the kids and an extremely scarring moment for the adults. All of the 12 and 13-year-olds were jumping for their LIVES on stage and fist pumping (we are from Jersey, duh) to this song about getting very drunk and taking an absurd amount of shots, not knowing what they were even dancing to. At the same time, the adults were probably jealous because it would just be, immature for them to go along with our shenanigans so decided to chug pinot instead.

Actual footage of us dancing to "Shots" at my bat mitzvah, I remember it like it was yesterday. *I ran this place*

2) I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas

This song played at every bat mitzvah and made the crowd go absolutely wild, obviously why it was always played last. It was like a wrap-up song, one that said “okay now, one last shot for the adults and one last weird grind for the kids” and then it would do its magic. I always wondered if anyone ever sat down and thought about why this song was played at every single Jewish celebration. It’s not because they ‘have a feeling’ that tonight’s gonna be a good night (might I just add if you have a feeling about something why on earth would it be played as the LAST SONG? The night was over; the buses were coming to drop the preteens back off at the temple). The reason it was played was because of 3 words that are mentioned throughout the song. Those are “mazel tov” and “l’chaim” every non-Jew there goes berserk because they finally feel like they are connected to this culture by screaming these random words and all the Jews feel great because they’re finally being acknowledged in a good way in a pop culture reference.

3) Knock you down by Keri Hilson featuring Kanye West & Ne-Yo

There was always that one kid that had to let everyone know that they knew the entire THREE parts to this song (that was 100% always me). There was also always those kids that felt like this song related to them on a personal level- like yeah ‘Daniela’ you know what it’s like to get your heart broken. Huge shoutout to the ones who jumped on the speaker to sing to this one, only to be told to get down by the 16-year-old dancer ‘helper’ who didn’t know what to do with her hands 98% of the time. They were so annoying like no I don't want to do the shopping cart I'm gonna do my own thing.

Me, obviously being the life of the party (my uncle was trying to steal the spotlight but stop- this is MY time).

4) Don't Trust Me by 30H!3

Right when the middle-aged DJ who spoke way too much and hit on way too many moms spun this one up it was time to go crazy. When the angsty middle schoolers heard “Black dress with the tights underneath," people were already losing their marbles. The song was so good that no one took a second to realize how offensive the synchronized dancing was that came along with it. For those who are unaware, one part goes “do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips” Insert dancing with your hands on your hips. Yup that is extremely offensive yet we were too into the song to stop and realize, who is to blame? *insert dancing in a claustrophobic dance circle and praying you don't get stuck in the middle*

Like any other pre-teen, when the attention wasn't on me I got upset but then the DJ would throw in a weird "We love?" and the peasants would respond "Dana!!!" It was honestly mad awkward if you're an emcee and still pull that trick PLEASE stop.

5) Fire Burning by Sean Kingston

Somebody BEST be calling 911 at my party (there actually was a gang fight right outside of my venue so 911 should have been called but they weren't so whoops). This song was a crucial component to 2009 being that it came with an intense set of dance moves (waving your hands to cool yourself down, raising the roof, etc). It was incredibly convenient too because there was always a 112% chance you were sweating too much so this song was used as an excuse to cool yoself down!

The music that came with my batmitzvah year is so important as it is mostly what my friends and I listen to today. It's what the kids are calling 'throwbacks.' I am always thankful for these nostalgic songs to bring people together and remind us of the most awkward days of our lives!

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