Top Five Movie Scores to Listen to While You Study
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Top Five Movie Scores to Listen to While You Study

Top Five Movie Scores to Listen to While You Study

With finals not far off, the next few weeks can quickly become very stressful as those end of the semester papers and projects start piling up.

Recently, while working on a paper, I realized that I was getting really distracted by the lyrics of my music. So I started searching around for something different and eventually stumbled upon a whole new group of albums I had never really thought about before: movie scores.

Since then, I have been listening to movie scores while I study, and it has been great for my focus. Now I cannot get enough. So I thought I would share a few of my favorites.

Note: All of these are available on Spotify.

1. Pride and Prejudice

If you are a fan of the 2005 film, you will love listening to this score. It is definitely my favorite. I really appreciate the way that the same melodies are interwoven throughout different parts of the film. The classical feel of the music is relaxing and perfect for studying or writing a paper. (And I feel smart listening to it.)

2. Into the Woods (Instrumental Songs)

Disney's wonderful adaptation of the famous Sondheim musical came out this past Christmas, and the music has been enchanting audiences since. If you like musical theater even just a little bit, you should definitely check this one out.

3. The Princess Diaries

This is not only one of my favorite movies of all time — it also has one of the most beautiful scores I have ever heard. I fall in love with the repeated melody that is strung throughout the movie every time I listen to the playlist. If you are ever in need of a mood-booster, look this up.

4. Breakfast at Tiffany's

This soundtrack has a sort of late 50s/early 60s–stylized feel. It is fun and upbeat with a few calm, smooth songs. I have found that it goes well with a soda and a reading about self-actualization or gender roles.

5. The Holiday

Who doesn't love a good Christmas-themed romantic comedy? The music from this 2006 Cameron Diaz film is warm and cheery — perfect to listen to while you put those finishing touches on that paper you've been working on forever.

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