The Top 10 Worst Film Sequels Of All Time
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The Top 10 Worst Film Sequels Of All Time

A look at some of the worst sequels to some of the most beloved movies and franchises.

The Top 10 Worst Film Sequels Of All Time

Being a huge fan of movies I have encountered many sequels. Some were great continuations of the original such as the "Toy Story" sequels. And some sequels are even better than the original such as "Shrek 2" and "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back," in my own personal opinion at least. However, too many times have I also encountered bad sequels to some of my favorite movies. Some are just not as good as the original.

And then there are those sequels that just ruin everything you loved about the original. Then there are some that just did not need to be made ("Joe Dirt 2" really?). I know there are more terrible sequels out there, too many to count, but here are ten of what I believe to be the worst sequels that I have encountered.

10. The Disney Straight-to-Video Sequels

Now before I begin, there are a few exceptions like "Return to Neverland" and "Return of Jafar," but while I did still enjoy these films they still had the same issues as all the other Disney sequels. These films could not hold up to the standards of their predecessors. Movies like "The Lion King" and "Beauty and the Beast" set standards so high that the task of creating a sequel for those films proved to be a challenge.

Some movies like "Lion King 2" or "Return of Jafar" are OK. And then there are some sequels that aren't even sequels like "Bambi 2," "Fox and the Hound 2" and "Tarzan 2." These are either prequels to the first film or stories to fill gaps in the original film but don't actually continue the story, which is what a sequel is supposed to do. And some of these movies just didn't need to be made, like "The Jungle Book 2" or "Brother Bear 2."

The way the originals ended did not leave a door open for the story to continue and for some movies, you just didn't want to see the stories continue. There's a reason most of these movies weren't released in theaters and most of them just banked on the name value of the original movie without trying to capture or add to the magic create by the original films. If you're looking for something to let little kids watch, then these aren't bad to show them but if you are looking for a sequel that captures the magic and enchantment of the original, I would say just watch the original again.

9. "The Hangover" Parts 2 and 3

The original Hangover film was a very funny and entertaining tale of a crazy night in Vegas and the nonsense that ensues as a result of it. But as funny and entertaining as this movie was it did not need a a sequel at all let alone two!! "Hangover Part 2" is the exact same thing except in Thailand. And "Hangover Part 3" is the same thing and just sucks. These sequels did not need to be made at all and were so obviously made just to cash in on the success of the original. They add nothing new to the story and it is literally like watching the first movie again. I'm not even kidding, its the exact same formula.

Guys go out and get drunk, can't remember anything that happened the next day and hi-jinks ensue. The sequels got progressively worse and even for some were so bad that it even ruined the original film for them. This is a prime example of when you should walk away and just let a movie be. If you want a good comedy watch "The Hangover" 1 and leave it at that. If you do decide to watch the sequels, hopefully you'll accidentally take something that will make you forget you watched them.

8. "Cars 2"

Now before I begin, I was not a fan of the original "Cars" movie at all so there is a little bias here. The idea of a world where everything is a talking car did not strike me as interesting enough for a movie. But I do know that some people did like "Cars" (although I don't know why) and I can understand the charm the movie has. But thankfully most would agree that "Cars 2" is by far the worst movie Pixar has put out to date. Remember how I said the idea of the first movie wasn't a good enough idea, well the plot of the sequel is just ridiculous. A spy car movie? Really?

This was the first Pixar movie to get a negative review after a long streak of classics. The fact that this got a sequel before "The Incredibles" or "Finding Nemo" is just ridiculous. Really? "Cars" was the one that needed a sequel? Really? As you can tell I am not a fan of this franchise at all and this sequel did nothing to help that. This is a movie that does not need to exist at all and the fact that Pixar is making ANOTHER sequel is just mind boggling. Save yourself those two hours of your life and drive away from this film as fast as you can.

7. "Home Alone 3"

While I do agree that "Home Alone" did not need a sequel, I did get a lot of enjoyment out of "Home Alone 2." It was nice seeing your favorite characters have at it again. They could have ended it at "Home Alone 2" and that would have been a good way to close a good franchise. But of course they had to cash in on the name value and with that we got a movie that has absolutely nothing to do with Home Alone even though it carries the name "Home Alone."

One issue that I have seen plague many sequels is when they can't even get the original cast of the movie and instead make a completely new movie that has nothing to do with the original except for the name. None of the original cast. None of the comedy that made the first two movies great. Nothing. This is another movie that just tried to cash in on the name value of the original and failed miserably. It wasn't funny nor well written and did not deserve to carry the same name as its predecessors. This movie will make you wish you were left home alone.


6. "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"

The Indiana Jones series is one of the best and most beloved adventure stories in film. Bringing a combination of practical affects with action and good story telling. The last movie however only brought bad CG affects and a ridiculous plot. Aliens..really? Fans were very disappointed by this film so much that "South Park" even made fun of it comparing it to an act of sexual assault on the franchise itself.

I remember going to see this in theaters expecting a good action film and instead left the theater scratching my head asking a million questions. Nuking a refrigerator, really? Aliens? While it was nice to see Harrison Ford back in his iconic role, it was not enough to save this film leaving it the worst entry in the franchise. If you're a big Indiana Jones fan, whatever you do, DON'T LOOK AT IT!!

5. "The Godfather Part III"

"The Godfather" is considered by many to be one of the greatest movies in the history of film. The sequel "Godfather Part II" is also considered a great film, some even believing it to be better than the first film. The third installment, however, was met with anything but praise. The first two films did a great job and told the complete story of the Corleone family and there was no need for a third film.

Even the film's director Francis Coppola admitted that he did not intend on making a third film and only did so at the request of Paramount Pictures. He claimed that this was not a new chapter of the story but rather an epilogue. He did not even want to call it the Godfather III, believing this story to be separate from that of the first two films. The absence of Robert Duvall, the casting and poor performance of Sophia Copolla along with a forced plot left many fans of this franchise unsatisfied. This is by far the weakest film in the franchise and most fans, including myself, like to pretend it does not exist. Leave this movie, take the cannoli.

4. "Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace"

What a shocker right? What is considered by most Star Wars fans (including myself) to be the worst film in the franchise. Not only a bad Star Wars movie, but just a bad movie in general. This movie is two hours of cheap CG affects, a boring plot, and boring characters to make for a very boring experience. And Jar Jar Binks... enough said.

Many lists I saw have this film at number one and while I do agree that this is by far the worst film in the Star Wars franchise, I cannot call it the worst sequel I have ever seen. I believe the main reason this movie is so despised is because of all the hype around it before it came out. People had been waiting years for a new Star Wars film and when they got this, there was a lot of backlash. Is it a bad movie? Yes, absolutely. Is it the worst thing ever? I don't think so. The Force is not strong with this one.

3. "Spider-Man 3"

Being a fan of superheroes, especially Spider-Man, I was so excited to see my favorite web slinger on the big screen. "Spider-Man" 1 was good film filled with action and fun. "Spider-Man 2" upped the ante with even more action, a great villain, and a great plot to make for a really good film. "Spider-Man 3" on the other hand was just a mess. There was too much going on in this movie. This could have been three separate movies with three different villains but, instead, it's all crammed into one film and the result is not pretty. The three villains weren't developed very well and the plot was not very well developed either.

Being a fan of Spider-Man I was excited when Venom was announced to be in the movie. However, that excitement faded with the poor casting of Topher Grace as Spidey's biggest villain. And to make it worse, Venom was only in the film for about 10 minutes. And, of course, the part that everyone hates, the dance scene. A completely pointless scene that looked more like a scene in a musical than a superhero film. Also emo Peter Parker didn't help. This movie did so poorly that they had to reboot the whole series. If you want to see a good superhero film watch the first two films but listen to your spidey senses and stay away from this one.

2. "Batman & Robin"

By far the WORST Batman film ever made. Riddled with terrible acting, God awful ice puns, a ridiculous plot, and do I even need to mention the Bat credit card? This film was so bad that they didn't make another Batman movie for eight years, until "Batman Begins." This franchise began with the very well-received Batman, which featured great performances by Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson but slowly dwindled down from dark and cool to childish and campy.

The stand out in this film is Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze who does nothing but say awful ice puns. Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy doesn't help this film, nor does Alicia Silvertone as Alfred's niece from London who clearly forgot her accent at home. This film is definitely one of the worst superhero movies ever made and unless you want a bad taste in your mouth, do yourself a favor and freeze.

1. "Son of the Mask"

Not only this is the worst sequel to a film I have ever seen, but this by far one of the worst films I have ever seen. Now I had never seen the first "Mask" movie before this and while I am not a huge fan of Jim Carrey, I would rather have seen him being his annoying goofy self than sit through this. The performance of Jamie Kennedy has been panned and ridiculed and I don't blame people for it. Switching Carrey for Kennedy is just asking for failure but I don't blame Carrey for not doing this movie. The plot is so ridiculous and stupid that I don't think even Leonardo Di Caprio could make it work.

The CG effects are horrendous and very creepy, too creepy to show to your kids! While "Batman and Robin" was bad, it was so bad that it was kind of funny. This movie is so bad that it's just bad. This is a movie that after you finish it, you'll start reevaluating your life and wondering what led you to this point that you actually sat through the whole film. Do yourselves a favor and don't waste one second of your life on this movie. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. This movie is so bad that I am not even going to attempt to end the review with some corny joke. This movie sucks point blank.

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