Top 10 'Parks And Recreation' Episodes
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Top 10 'Parks And Recreation' Episodes

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Top 10 'Parks And Recreation' Episodes

"Parks and Recreation" is a beloved show that ended too soon according to many of its viewers. The show started in 2009 and lasted until 2015, airing seven seasons. The show has now seemed to gain a large fan-base even after its cancellation. Below is my list of the top 10 "Parks and Recreation" episodes! Spoilers ahead.

10. "Ron and Tammy"

(Season two, Episode eight / Season three, Episode four)


(Part One) Ron's ex-wife, Tammy, uses sex to manipulate Ron and get Leslie's vacant lot to build a library, while Leslie gets Andy a job in the building as a shoe-shine man.

(Part Two) After Ron breaks up with Tom's ex-wife, he decides to get back together with his Tammy, much to everyone's horror. Meanwhile, Leslie and Ben try to get the local police to donate their services to the upcoming Harvest Festival.

It's amazing what you'll do when you're in love or bewitched by a "Grade A Bitch."

9. "Pawnee Zoo"

(Season two, Episode one)


Leslie becomes a political lightning rod when the penguin wedding she sets up at the Pawnee Zoo turns out to be for two male penguins.

Marriage equality has been a thing for a year now. Let the penguins be married!

8. "Telethon"

(Season two, Episode 22)


Leslie struggles to stay awake and fill the overnight hours at a local telethon when Tom and celebrity guest Detlef Schrempf are sidetracked at a nightclub, and the answer to her problems could be a surprise marriage proposal.

Leslie Knope plus Caffeine equals a fun time.

7. "Greg Pikitis"

(Season two, Episode seven)


Leslie tries to stop a high school punk who vandalizes the park every Halloween, but will he get the last laugh? Meanwhile, Ann's Halloween party is a bore until Tom saves the day.

The one person Leslie Knope hates...besides all of Eagleton.

6. "Li'l Sebastian"

(Season 3 Episode 16)


While the department sets up a memorial service for Li'l Sebastian, Ron finds out about Leslie and Ben, Tom considers taking a job in the private sector, and Chris deals with his own mortality after he discovers that he has tendinitis.

Bye bye, Li'l Sebastian. You know you read that singing the song.

5. "Fancy Party"

(Season three, Episode nine)


Andy and April's party turns into a surprise wedding, but Leslie does not approve. Meanwhile, Ben debates whether to stay in Pawnee, and Donna gives Ann advice at a singles mixer.

Who'd guess a man-child could fall in love with a deadpan queen?

4. "Hunting Trip"

(Season two, Episode 10)


Leslie tries to prove she can hang with the guys so she invites herself on Ron's annual hunting trip, but things don't go as planned. Meanwhile, April and Andy bond in the office while everyone is away.

Being angry keeps me calm.

3. "One Last Ride"

(Season seven, Episodes 12 and 13)


(Part One) As the team gathers one final time before they go their separate ways, we look 10 years into the future for each team member.

(Part Two) Leslie and Ben both receive offers to run for governor of Indiana in 2025. But before they decide on which person will take the offer, Ben has one final surprise for Leslie.

Who didn't cry during these episodes?

2. "Leslie and Ben"

(Season five, Episode 14)


Leslie and Ben decide to get married right after the gala, but a jealous and drunk councilman Jamm crashes the party and ruins the evening.

OTP status.

1. "Pawnee Rangers"

(Season four, Episode four)


Ron's Pawnee Rangers and Leslie's competing scout group, the Pawnee Goddesses, share a weekend in the wilderness, Ben joins Tom and Donna on "Treat Yo Self Day," and Chris takes an interest in Jerry's daughter.

The beautiful creation of the most memorable quote of all time.

Of course these are all my personal favorites! Comment and tell me your top list of Parks and Rec episodes.

(All synopses found on

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