Top 10 Original Xbox Games
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Top 10 Original Xbox Games

The best games from Microsoft's first console

Top 10 Original Xbox Games

If you didn’t know after reading my Top 10 Nintendo 64 Games list, I’m quite the fan of video games. I know I said in that list the Nintendo 64 breeds nostalgia, but thinking back my childhood was mostly dominated by the sixth generation of consoles (Gamecube, PS2, and Xbox). Looking through the archives of the Odyssey I noticed the only system that wasn’t getting any loving was Microsoft’s Xbox which was my favorite, sorry to the PlayStation fanatics.

This disregard for the Xbox goes past the Odyssey. The latest gamesradar forum asking people, whether they preferred the Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube had little to no support for the black and green console. 75 percent of the posts talked about why the PS2 was the greatest console to ever grace the earth, 15 percent supported the Gamecube, and the rest supported the Dreamcast which wasn’t even a choice.

I owned all three and the Xbox easily held the most memory, had the most polished looking games, and could do everything the PS2 could do with four controllers instead of two.In the end, it all comes down to the game library, though. Hopefully, after people read my top ten games on the Xbox they’ll want to give the Xbox another chance.

The only requirement here is that it was on the console, but I will give particular mention to exclusives and if the Xbox version was the best version of a game.

Honorable Mentions

"Mech Assault"

"Conker’s Live and Reloaded"

"Project Gotham Racing 2"

"Prince of Persia: Sands of Time"

With that let’s get right to it:

10. "Jade Empire"

Bioware, the kings of player choice RPGs, follow up the amazing Knights of The Old Republic with a completely new and totally unique universe. Set in a fictional kingdom inspired by ancient China, Jade Empire lets the player follow either the Way of the Open Palm or the Way of the Closed Fist in their quest to find their master.

More importantly, though, you got to do some sweet Kung Fu moves making you feel like Bruce Lee. Also, this game started Bioware’s obsession with romance options in their game. For everyone who enjoyed playing Mass Effect Captain Kirk style, romancing every alien babe you met, you have this game to thank.

9. "Fable"

I know many people were upset about the broken promises with this game, but even so this game was awesome. Thankfully, I didn’t hear about all the hype this game was getting and didn’t spend my time sulking when I played it. Instead, I enjoyed the awesome fantasy adventure this game gave you. There were some awesome spells and moves you could learn.

By the end, you could really see the transformation your character had based on your choices. You either looked like you came down from the heaven’s or were the love child of Satan and Dracula. Either way, you became the ultimate badass. Maybe it wasn’t the end all be all of the player choice but it was still a blast to play.

8. "Psychonauts"

If there is one big problem I had with the Xbox it would probably be its lack of quality platformers. Thankfully, the console had one great game in that department. What truly makes Psychonauts special, putting it bluntly, is how absurdly trippy it is. You platformed through the dreams of various characters making for some outrageous set-pieces.

Unfortunately, the game was never noticed by the public at large and stayed below the radar. It’s too bad because the game’s quirky characters and comedic writing were an absolute joy to experience. It was fun, funny, and ridiculous and definitely should be checked out.

7. "Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory"

I love stealth games and the original Splinter Cell was the first stealth game I ever played. Because of this, Sam Fisher has a very special place in my heart. Chaos Theory is the third game in the Splinter Cell series and it took everything that made the first two games great and added tons of new gadgets, new levels, smarter enemies, multiple kits, and a slew of multiplayer options.

I originally played this Splinter Cell on the PS2 and after playing it on the Xbox, I instantly realized it was how it was meant to be played. Levels were bigger, and the graphics were a lot better. Considering this is a stealth game designed around using shadows and lighting, Graphics are important.

6. "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"

In my opinion, you aren’t really losing anything from this game if you play it on either the PS2 or Xbox. Honestly, if this was just a list of the best games of the sixth generation this would be very close to the top. "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" is not the biggest GTA game, but it definitely feels the biggest. With three distinct cities and a robust countryside and desert outside them, this was the ultimate sandbox.

San Andreas also sported a very intriguing story with an impressive cast including Samuel L Jackson, Charlie Murphy, and James Woods. I could make a humongous list of possible things you could do to entertain yourself in San Andreas. Possibilities are endless, but most people just end up causing mass murder.

5. "Morrowind"

When "Morrowind" first came out I, and probably most people, had never seen anything like it. Seriously it was huge and practically had no limitations. You get off a boat on the fantasy island of Morrowind and are just left to explore and visit the many mythical towns and cities around the island. There was a plethora of different plotlines to follow, battles to take part in, things to steal, and spells to master.

The game made no choices for you. If you wanted to go to each town stealing all the valuables and killing the innocent, you could. If you wanted to never follow the main storyline and explore caves for days, you could.

4. "Ninja Gaiden"

"Ninja Gaiden" is not for the faint of heart. It’s brutally challenging, and never holds back. Still though it is a blast to play. It’s a hack and slasher with in-depth mechanics that could rival a fighting game and you can only play it on the Xbox.

While PS2 gamers were practically being handed their brutal kills in "God of War," Xbox gamers had to earn them. At the end of the day that just made eviscerating enemy ninjas with your katana that much more satisfying.

3. "Halo"

Arguably the game that made the Xbox, "Halo" is still relevant today. It brought the FPS genre into the 21st century with incredible action, wide open levels, a rich story, and awesome vehicles to control. It easily had the best controls of any console shooters at the time that were very easy to learn and master.

It really showed off what the Xbox could do at the console's launch. That music though was the best part. It got your adrenaline pumping which was necessary if you were going to take down the flood and the covenant on legendary for that secret ending.

2. "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic"

We all love "Star Wars" so what’s better than a huge "Star Wars" adventure with an engaging story, awesome Star Wars set pieces, Jedi, and of courses lightsabers. You had crazy force powers and a slew of cool characters by your side. I could go on and on about everything this game had, but in short this is one of the best RPGs of all time and it’s set in the Star Wars universe.

Easily the best "Star Wars" game out there. It lets you decide what place you’ll have in the galaxy. Will you lead the galaxy into darkness and fall to the dark side, or will you be the galaxy’s savior and join the light side?

1. "Halo 2"

"Halo 2" took everything its predecessor did right and took it to the next level. The action was better with dual wielding weapons, the ability to hijack vehicles, more weapons, and more vehicles. You even got to play as the covenant making them more than just mindless enemies.

The real fun had to be Xbox Live, though. This game practically created modern multiplayer with everyone meeting up online for huge 16-player matches. It is the single best-selling game on the system for good reason. It’s the best game in the halo series, the best game on the Xbox, and one of the best games ever. Like it or hate it, it’s one of the reasons everyone is lining up for the next FPS game to come out.

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