The Unofficial Top 10 All Time Low Songs
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The Unofficial Top 10 All Time Low Songs

"Give 'em six more years, and see what time will do for hopeless dreamers." -So Long, Soldier, All Time Low

The Unofficial Top 10 All Time Low Songs

This piece is probably going to be one of the harder ones for me to write. Not because of emotions or anything personal, but because I’m going to be picking my top 10 favorite All Time Low songs, ever. It’s not a secret that they’re my favorite band. I love every song that they’ve ever written (yes, even everything from their EP, Put Up or Shut Up!). But, if I had to pick 10 songs that have stuck with me from the moment I discovered them up until now, then I would have to pick these:

1. So Long, Soldier (album: Don’t Panic)

This song has stuck with me since the first time I’ve heard it, and it’s personally one of my all-time favorites. So Long, Soldier is about Alex’s move from London to the U.S back in 1995 and then talks about the band’s formation in 2003, their first “tour” in 2005, and the band’s journey throughout the years. My favorite lyric from this song is, “give ‘em six more years, and see what time will do for hopeless dreamers,” it’s an iconic song, at least for me, because it’s shown how much they’ve grown and how popular they’ve gotten over the years, and I’ll always love it.

2. Therapy (album: Nothing Personal)

If I had to pick a number one favorite song by All Time Low, it’d be Therapy, for some very personal reasons. This song has gotten me through some of the not-so-good times in my life, and it’s changed my perspective heavily. It encourages me to keep pushing through no matter how hard things can get, and it’ll always be one of my go-to pick-me-ups, even though the lyrics aren’t upbeat.

3. Dear Maria, Count Me In (album: So Wrong, It’s Right)

If I hadn’t discovered this song when I was 12 years old, I probably wouldn’t be as into All Time Low as I am today. This was the song that had gotten me hooked on this band, I sometimes call it my “life-changer,” because I didn’t know how much one band could change someone’s life until it happened to me. It’s an upbeat song that almost everyone knows the words to, regardless if you’re a fan of them or not. Plus, it’s almost always their closing song at every single one of their concerts, so it’s definitely pretty hard not to love this classic!

4. Time Bomb (album: Dirty Work)

Although Dirty Work was not my favorite album that they’ve released, I will admit that there were a few good songs on this album, like Time Bomb. Personally, I mostly love the song because during their concerts when it’s on their setlist, they’ll pick people from the crowd to come onstage and sing it with them, and I think it’s the coolest thing ever that it’s become such an interactive song during a live show. Every time I listen to it, it brings back memories of all the All Time Low shows that I’ve attended over the years and makes me more and more excited for the show that’s coming up for my best friend and me on July 18th.

5. Lullabies (album: Put Up or Shut Up)

This song is one of the heavier, more emotional ones that I can’t bring myself to listen to all the way through sometimes because it reminds me of my grandma, who was taken from this world way too soon and passed away in 2008. Although it’s a tearjerker that I can’t bring myself to finish more than half the time, it brings back memories of when my grandma was still alive and it helps me remember the good times, and reminds me that she’s always with me, no matter what.

6. Old Scars / Future Hearts (album: Future Hearts)

Old Scars was a song that took a minute to grow on me. At first, I wasn’t sure of its sound, I always thought it was missing something, but I could never put my finger on what it was, but after awhile, it grew on me and I soon understood the message that it was displaying. This song helped me realize that you can’t live your life to please other people and that you have to live your life the way you want it.

7. Lost in Stereo (album: Nothing Personal)

This is another classic song that is played at every single All Time Low show. It’s usually played within the first few songs; it gets you pumped for the rest of the night and has you dancing and jumping around from the second it starts to the second it ends. Listening to the live versions as well as the album versions also makes me excited for the upcoming show, like Time Bomb.

8. Poppin’ Champagne (album: So Wrong, It’s Right)

Yet another song that took a minute to grow on me, but now is one of my all time favorites. I first listened to the live version of this song from their documentary, Straight to DVD, and I loved how you could hear the echo of the fans singing along in the background to it, and that’s how I started listening to it. It’s not a song that I’ve seen get put on the setlist too many times, but when it is played live, it’s one that always sends chills down my spine.

9. Dirty Laundry (album: Last Young Renegade)

Dirty Laundry is a song that was just released recently as a single off of their upcoming album, Last Young Renegade, that’ll be available everywhere on June 2nd, and it’s a song that sounds very different from their past work. It’s a song that has a very dark and mysterious feel to it, which is why it seems so different. But, it just goes to show that bands can change over time while staying true to their roots. I love this song so much just because it’s different, and because it’s a sound that shows how far they have come as a band.

10. Last Young Renegade (album: Last Young Renegade)

I first heard this song after someone leaked it on Tumblr. I swore up and down that I wasn’t going to listen to it, and that I was going to wait until the album’s launch on June 2nd, but I couldn’t help myself. But, since I preordered the album, they emailed me a download link for the song shortly after that, so I felt a little better about myself. This song, like Dirty Laundry, also has a different feel to it, but I love it for the same reasons as stated above; it shows how far they’ve come but it also shows their roots.

If I could, I would list every single song that they’ve ever written, because it truly is hard to narrow it down to just a few songs that are my personal favorites, but I think this list sums up All Time Low quite nicely. They’ll always be my favorite band for a lot of reasons, but the most important reason is that they reconnected my best friend and me on a level that I never thought was possible. I’m anxiously waiting for July 18th to roll around to see them again, but until then, I’ll just have to listen to my playlist of their songs!

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