Top 10 Country Songs That Will Have You Feeling Extra Patriotic This 4th of July | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 Country Songs That Will Have You Feeling Extra Patriotic This 4th of July

"History began on July 4, 1776. Everything before that was a mistake." - Ron Swanson

Top 10 Country Songs That Will Have You Feeling Extra Patriotic This 4th of July

Country is one music genre that tends to generate a handful of mixed opinions. Some people are major fans, while others cringe when even just the beginning tune of a song hits their ears. Despite the varying levels of enjoyment, one thing I believe we can all agree on is that country is the forerunning genre in producing music that celebrates the good ol' United States of America. The list below highlights, in my opinion, the top 10 country songs that will have you appreciating your American roots in no time.

Whether you are a country music aficionado, or a host seeking any means possible for your Fourth of July party to be the greatest your neighborhood has ever seen, I guarantee these songs will leave you and your guests feeling like you want to adopt a bald eagle, assemble your very own fireworks show, and eat as much apple pie as humanly possible this Independence Day.

10. "Drunk Americans" by Toby Keith

"We just raise up our glass, we don't give a rats a** if you're a Democrat or Republican, We're happy to be here and that you can see we're just all drunk Americans. In these neon lights, we're all stars, we're all stripes, And we're all drunk Americans."

Ah, Toby Keith, this is only his first of many appearances on the list. This upbeat number, with its storyline set in a bar, definitely doesn't come across as a very serious song. If you look past the silliness though, the lyrics establish that even though we’re all different ('the whole kitchen sink' as Keith puts it) our diversity doesn't isolate us, because in the end, we're all joined together as Americans.

9. "Only In America" by Brooks & Dunn

"Only in America, Dreaming in red, white and blue, Only in America, Where we dream as big as we want to, We all get a chance, Everybody gets to dance, Only in America."

This song profiles the American dream, and how no matter where they come from, only America can offer individuals the freedom to dream as big as they want to, as well as giving the opportunities to make those dreams a reality.

8. "Home" by Dierks Bentley

"Free, nothing feels like free, Though it sometimes means we don’t get along, Cause same, no we're not the same, But that’s what makes us strong. Brave, gotta call it brave, To chase that dream across the sea, Names, and they signed their names, For something they believed."

This beautifully written song showcases the bravery our Founding Fathers exhibited when they stood up for their beliefs and established a new country. Today, we are still a nation of people who are not afraid to proclaim and fight for our beliefs. As the song explains, these differing views and the fact that we don't always get along has caused America its fair share of scars and problems. However, we can all stand on common ground and find strength in the certainty that we all call America home. England, I'm gonna let you finish, but George Washington had one of the best revolutions of all time. Woah, sorry, let's pretend that outdated joke didn't happen and move on..

7. "American Spirit" by Thomas Rhett

"It's Friday night freedom, football game, It's proud of where you from, it's your last name, It's thirteen stripes and fifty stars in the wind, So hold up your beer and holler if you hear it, That American spirit."

A low-key tune that celebrates the simplicity of a normal American small town life, with activities like playing in the sprinkler as a child and getting married. Rhett doesn't attempt to over-exaggerate, he simply acknowledges that life doesn't need to be extravagant or glamorous in order to be proud of where you come from and who you are. This song could easily become an anthem for the majority of the U.S. population that lives this standard life. Gosh, as if Thomas Rhett hadn't already given us enough reason to fall in love with him, he just had to go and be all down to earth and adorable.

6. "Made In America" by Toby Keith

"Got the red, white, and blue flying high on the farm, Semper fi tattooed on his left arm, Spends a little more at the store for a tag in the back that says U.S.A, Won’t buy nothing that he can't fix, With wd40 and a craftsman wrench, He ain't prejudice he's just, made in America."

Just when we were beginning to wonder when our resident patriotic guy Toby Keith was going to show up again, he hits us with a wave of nostalgia in this song about his late Father. A veteran and an overall patriotic man, his father was saddened by the loss of American manufacturing and production. This ballad promotes pride in and the importance of supporting the United States. Never would have thought Toby Keith would be the one to persuade you to become a more aware consumer, huh?

5. "It's America" by Rodney Atkins

"It's a high school prom, it's a Springsteen song, it's a ride in a Chevrolet, It's a man on the moon and fireflies in June and kids sellin' lemonade, It's cities and farms, it's open arms, one nation under God, It's America. Now we might not always get it all right, There's no place else I'd rather build my life."

The chorus of this fun song is just a list of seemingly little and traditional characteristics of American life, which actually contribute greatly to why our country is what it is today. After he sees news coverage of citizens coming from miles away to help out a town destroyed by a tornado, he is moved by how grateful he is to live in the United States. Following a similar theme in many of these songs, after declaring America is not always perfect, he acknowledges there is still nowhere else he would rather build his life. Listen, I'm going to need Rodney to cool it with the heartfelt background meanings, I'm starting to tear up..

4. "Flyover States" by Jason Aldean

"They've never drove through Indiana, Met the man who plowed that earth, Planted that seed, busted his a** for you and me, Or caught a harvest moon in Kansas, They'd understand why God made, Those fly over states."

This one goes out to all my fellow Midwesterners, if Jason Aldean says our cornfields are special, you better start believing it! After he overhears some passengers on a flight discussing why anyone would want to live in the ‘fly over states’, Aldean showcases the beauty of those seemingly useless states and what amazing features they'd find if they took the time to really explore them. He expresses that these 'boring' states contribute to America just as much as states that receive more attention such as New York or California. Thanks for making this Illinois girl feel special, Jason!

3. "American Soldier" by Toby Keith

"And I will always do my duty, no matter what the price. I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice. Oh, and I don't want to die for you, But if dying's asked of me, I'll bear that cross with honor, 'Cause freedom don't come free. I'm an American soldier, an American, Beside my brothers and my sisters I will proudly take a stand, When liberty's in jeopardy I will always do what's right, I'm out here on the front lines. Sleep in peace tonight."

We are all forever indebted to service men and women, past and present, who put their lives on the line so we can “sleep in peace tonight” and safely live our normal lives. This eye-opening ballad describes the selflessness, bravery, strength, and moral code of our American soldiers. Songs like this are so important, because they remind us that freedom does not come free, and our soldiers are the ones paying the price. There are truly not enough thank you's in the world.

#2. "God Bless The U.S.A." by Lee Greenwood

"And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free, And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today, 'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA."

Okay, the reason this legendary song didn’t make number one on the list is that even though it is originally sung by a country artist, in general, it's considered a member of the patriotic music genre, not country. Sorry, but I have to play by the rules! Residing within the family of other patriotic classics such as “America the Beautiful” and “America (My Country, ‘Tis of Thee)” Greenwood’s 1984 single is as timeless as they come.

#1. "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" by Toby Keith

"Hey Uncle Sam, Put your name at the top of his list, And the Statue of Liberty, Started shakin’ her fist, And the eagle will fly, Man, it’s gonna be hell, When you hear Mother Freedom, Start ringin’ her bell, And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you, Brought to you Courtesy of the Red White and Blue."

Who else but Toby Keith would end off this patriotic list?! This incredibly intense and passionate song was written in direct response to the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Some found the track to be controversial, but it was released with the intention of bringing Americans together to rise from such an awful tragedy. Also to build passion towards and belief in America and its power and ability to defend itself. Now years later, unfortunately its message and purpose is still relevant, because of the violent threats of terror that are still present in the country and the world. In the midst of being plagued by hate, brutality and struggle, this song is still played as a way to not lose hope in our beloved country.

I'll leave you with one final thought- does it even count as a Fourth of July party if at least one Toby Keith song isn’t played?!

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