To All Of The Women In My Life | The Odyssey Online
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To All Of The Women In My Life

Happy Mother's Day.

To All Of The Women In My Life
Colette Lanzon

On this Mother's Day I feel that to only say "Happy Mother's Day!" to my mom, while sufficient, is not enough. There are so many women that have mothered me throughout my life and they all deserve an acknowledgement and appreciation on this day.

Happy Mother's Day P-Titty (a nick name, while extremely inappropriate is a term of endearment), my actual mother. I love you lady. You have sacrificed so much for me. As a single mom and a physically disabled mom, you have shown what strength really is. You have taught me that my body doesn't last forever, but my mind and heart do so I better be sure to love who I am on the inside. You showed me the value of education by always pushing me as an intellectual and thinker. By attaining both a Master's and PhD in my lifetime, you have shown me that I should always strive to be a student and to keep learning. You set the standard high for my education and demanded that I hold a high standard for myself. I definitely inherited your bossiness and boldness, and I am forever grateful. I now have the confidence that I am leader material and that I have the strength to do whatever I put my mind to. On top of everything, you helped me develop my Catholic faith and political views, even when we weren't on the same page. You encouraged me to research both sides of hot topic issues and to understand both sides. You encouraged me to listen to others in order to understand more and to actually hear them. Thank you P-Titty for making me a well rounded young woman. I love you, lady.

Next I want to thank my dance "moms," both the moms that were at my dance studio and my teachers. You taught me so much about self discipline and work ethic. You always made me feel beautiful and capable, even when I didn't. So thank you. Thank you Miss Kristen for being loving and supportive of me during my junior year when I was so over-stretched with AP classes, dance, and as a leader on my Kairos retreat. Thank you for being accepting of me and pushing me in dance even when I probably was not ideal to work with. Thank you for being so kind when I mentioned that I had put on a lot of weight and just saying yeah I have but I am still beautiful and it doesn't matter. This really has stuck with me over the years. Thank you. Thank you Miss Nikki for being my solo teacher and being someone that I could talk to about school and test scores. You really influenced how I saw myself as both a dancer and an intellectual. You were a model example of how I could be both. I have always looked up to you due to your poise, intelligence, and strength. I hope to be like you as both a professional and mother. Also a thank you to all of the dance moms at Triple Threat for driving to dance when my mom had work or grabbing me food during long rehearsals when my mom couldn't. Thank you and happy Mother's Day to you all.

Next a "Happy Mother's Day" to my mom's friends. You all have been supportive for my mom and I whether we needed help around the house, a ride to the airport, a ride to dance, or just someone to talk to. I want to acknowledge a few of you (if you aren't mentioned individually please know that I love you and appreciate you still). Thank you Jennifer for mothering me since I was two years old and putting up with my badness. I have always valued your advice and love you so much. Now that I am older I see how much you did for me and I really appreciate it. I have always felt like I am a part of your family and I honestly consider you family. I love you. Happy Mother's Day to my mom's friend Miss Christine. During most of middle school, I swear that I was at your house every day. Thank you for taking me to dance and school when my mom was working on her PhD. You have been my other mother and I have always felt like one of your kids. Thank you for everything and I love you so much. Next I want to thank Miss Lisa and Miss Carol, my hippie-conservative moms. Up until recently I never realized how much I am like you both. I always considered my crunchy conservative self to be random; it was really from your influences. Between talking to Lisa about dairy's effect on allergies or Carol about terrorism, I have formed so much of who I am because of you both (it really isn't surprising considering how often I played at your houses). I love and miss you both greatly.

Next I want to say happy Mother's Day to all of my school moms. Whether you were a teacher, secretary, culinary staff, or a part of administration, know that you made a large impact on my life and were a great support to me. A special thank you to all of the Fordham University Caf Staff that were so warm that it felt like I was home with my mom even though she was 700 miles away. This was especially helpful when I was a homesick freshmen. I also want to say happy Mother's Day to the graduating seniors from my dance team: Julianna and Karlyn. Although you say that you never want children, know that you already have some. You both have been such influences on my college career thus far and I have really looked up to you both. I am so proud and honored have known both of you and it makes me sad to know that I will no longer have you on the team. You are mothers to the entire team and we love you both greatly.

Lastly I want to say happy Mother's Day to my biggest celebrity role model, Ashley Graham. While you do not have children of your own yet, know that you have been and are a mother to so many young girls and women across the world. You have been such an inspiration for self love and body positivity. You have shown us how we are beautiful as we are through your example, an example that sometimes our own mother's cannot show us. In addition you have been an amazing role model of a "boss." How you have created a brand for yourself has shown so many women how staying true to who they are is the best thing that they can do for themselves. So happy Mother's Day and thank you from all of the young girls and women that you have touched.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the women in the world, whether you have children of your own or not. I guarantee that you have, in some way, been a mother to someone that you have encountered, whether you have realized it or not. To say that it takes a village to raise a child is an understatement; it takes the world to raise a child. On this Mother's Day, be sure to acknowledge all of the women in your life that have made you who you are; they deserve it.

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